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... 以1小時34分55秒831封王。這次是他第4次贏得該站冠軍,平了英國名宿文素的紀錄,僅落後5次的普魯斯;也是繼 ...全文


Carrie Lam's 'seven visions': A closer look

... n by the “831 Resolution”, the candidates had to be screened by Beijing beforehand through a nomination committee that lacked both credibility and representativeness. That is the reason why the reform ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-07

Political reforms are not a zero-sum game

... eijing's “831 resolution”, she doesn’t see any prospect of it getting approved by the people of Hong Kong. In other words, if Beijing refuses to make any concessions, any initiative to reopen our poli ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-06

A paradigm shift in our pro-democracy movement

... o-called "831 resolution" announced by the National People's Congress Standing Committee back in 2014 indicated that Beijing simply has a different and rather twisted notion of democracy, and the kind ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-05

權重板塊強勢 大市有望破位

... 的港股表現,恒指累漲831點(4.1%),且全數25個板塊錄得按周升幅,幅度介乎1%至7.3%不等。 回顧過去 ...全文


Housing policy unlikely to change even if new CE takes over

... so-called 831 Resolution (Aug. 31, 2014) of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, which lays down the framework for the 2017 chief executive election. Also, Leung has made some ach ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-22

The Election Affairs Commission has failed Hong Kong voters

... so-called 831 resolution in 2014, which in effect disenfranchises the people of Hong Kong in the 2017 election for the chief executive and the 2020 Legco election. And the democratization process in o ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-20

This trio could be the ultimate solution to our woes

... nced its “831 resolution”, which denied them universal suffrage in the 2017 election for chief executive. The unpopular decision triggered the monumental Occupy movement, which raised the political aw ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-03

What is breeding separatism in Hong Kong?

... o-called “831 resolution” announced by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on August 31, 2014, regarding the arrangements for the 2017 election for Hong Kong's chief executive, an ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-19

人口老化 機械代勞

... 的數目將成1000對831之比!現在談48年後的光景好像太遙遠,就看近景吧;單是未來十多年,預計長者(65歲或 ...全文



... 項會展活動中,會議有831項,按年增加125項,惟大型會議的與會者數目減少,令參加會議的總人數下跌10%至8. ...全文



... 國進口的印度貨則只有831億元,雙方的外貿前景較巴俄更具可塑性。 中國及印度兩大文明古國未來的發展潛力亦遠勝巴 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global國金趨勢施純港2016年01月16日


... 求推翻人大常委員會「831」決定。 早前他亦就啟晴邨鉛水事件入稟,要求政府嚴厲執法,規定必須由專業有牌水喉匠安 ...全文


福記前車可鑑 中移動全年十字架

... 收報27813點,跌831點(2.9%),牛轉熊警號,2008年大跌。本月如現跌市,2016年年線黃昏之星第3 ...全文



中原(工商舖)寫字樓部副營業董事梁美玲表示,億京旗下觀塘商廈電訊一代廣場極高層E1室,面積約831方呎,具基本 ...全文


Small circle elections will dominate HK politics again

While the pan-democrats remained completely silent during the 1st anniversary of the 831 Resolution, the pro-establishment and traditional leftist camps have been pretty busy attempting to bring down ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-04

Pan-democrats trying to make a killing before the game is over

... ry of the 831 Resolution in order to please the Communist Party. No wonder Lau Siu-kai, the former chief adviser of the Central Policy Unit, said the party is trying to guide the pan-democrats on the ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-02

Don’t forget the anniversary of the 831 Resolution

... y of the “831 Resolution” which will be upon us in just a few days. It is understandable that the pan-democrats are deliberately giving this memorable day the cold shoulder because for them, it was a ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-26

The parallelism between HKU incident and Umbrella Movement

... rk of the 831 Resolution. They were afraid that if the Hong Kong people were allowed to elect their own chief executive through a truly democratic process, someone they didn’t like might come to powe ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-04

2047: How should Hong Kong prepare for it?

...  and the "831 resolution" of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee on Hong Kong's electoral framework marked a clear infringement of the city's autonomy as guaranteed under the Basic Law. ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-30

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