一名女士公開指稱,約30多年前曾遭美國最高法院大法官提名人卡瓦諾(Brett Kavanaugh)不恰當性行動 ...全文
美國資深參議員、共和黨元老麥凱恩(John McCain)對抗腦癌約一年後,上周六逝世,享年81歲。麥凱恩出身 ...全文
US President Donald Trump’s national security team said Russia is behind “pervasive” attempts to interfere in upcoming US elections, in a rejection of denials of meddling that Russian President Vladim ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-03
US President Donald Trump plans to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington this autumn, the White House said on Thursday, four days after a summit that led to an uproar in the United Sta ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-20
美國總統特朗普公然背棄自家情報機關,否定俄羅斯干預2016年大選後,引發國內朝野猛烈炮轟。在強大壓力下,特朗普 ...全文
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday tried to calm a storm over his failure to hold Russian President Vladimir Putin accountable for meddling in the 2016 US election, saying he misspoke in a joint new ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-18
首次「特普會」周一於芬蘭舉行後,美國總統特朗普因在記者會上未有捍衞美國情報機關,反而與俄羅斯總統普京聯成一線罵 ...全文
美國總統特朗普下周一與俄羅斯總統普京會晤還有三天,華府周五對12名俄情報官員提起訴訟。美國國會參議院民主黨領袖 ...全文
獲美國總統特朗普提名為最高法院大法官的聯邦上訴法院法官卡瓦諾(Brett Kavanaugh),周二抵達美國國 ...全文
美國年底中期選舉再添議題,傾向中間立場的溫和保守派最高法院大法官肯尼迪(Anthony Kennedy)宣布, ...全文
ZTE Corp., China's second-largest telecommunications equipment maker, secured a lifeline from the Trump administration on Thursday after agreeing to pay a US$1 billion fine and overhaul leadership in ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-08
路透引述消息人士稱,中興通訊(00763)已與美國簽署協議,原則上取消4月由美國商務部發出、長達7年的制裁令, ...全文
ZTE Corp. (00763.HK, 000063.CN) has signed an agreement in principle that would lift a US Commerce Department ban on buying from US suppliers, allowing China’s No. 2 telecommunications equipment maker ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-06
The Trump administration has informed US lawmakers that it has reached a deal to put Chinese telecoms equipment maker ZTE back in business, Reuters reports, citing an unidentified senior congressional ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-28
中美雙方剛於上周達成「停戰」協議,隨即由雙方官員展開落實細節工作,據報道,中美兩國就解決中興通訊(00763) ...全文
中美同意暫停貿易戰,停止相互加徵關稅。總統特朗普在Twitter帖文強調,中國同意大量額外採購美國的農產品,對 ...全文
The US Senate voted on Wednesday in favor of keeping open-internet rules in a bid to overturn a Federal Communications Commission decision to repeal the net neutrality regime, Reuters reports. The 52 ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-17