
共 2270 個結果
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Why a Chinese web-drama has struck a chord

... s in Hong Kong following the extradition bill disaster. Chief Executive Carrie Lam and her top team have landed themselves in a big mess and have even lost the support of some lawmakers from the pro-e ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-16

Diverging fortunes of Beetle and Mini Cooper

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on July 12 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected]  RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-15


... 法,要「一拳倒地」(KO),看來已知道無效,要另謀他法了。 「衷心無誠,盡出於偽」已為世人所知,也被防了,美國 ...全文



... 張賬號為Chuck Ko的Facebook截圖,顯示柯4月30日曾發文表示,「期待有一天偉大祖國收復台灣島,和 ...全文


What we can learn from Sweden's success in recycling

... m in Hong Kong. In fact, the SAR government has put up classified rubbish bins on the streets across the territory. However, it's been revealed that the sorted items are just mixed together and sent t ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-12


... hoŭ sĕ wŏ koŭ(我手寫我口),按連續變調的規律應發音為wó shoŭ sĕ wó koŭ,兩個「我 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化教育講論李楚成 梁慧敏2019年07月12日

Why Anta was barely hurt by a 106-page short-seller report

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on July 10 Translation by Julie Zhu with additional reporting [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11

Sorting garbage a headache for Shanghai residents

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on July 9 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-10

A child molestation scandal grips Shanghai

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on July 8 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-09


... 斯高倫,刷新賽事最快KO紀錄。摔跤出身的艾斯高倫一度取得19戰全勝,現場獲醫護人員救醒後,馬上送往當地醫院接受 ...全文


Why HK integration with mainland is a double-edged sword

Officials, both from the central government and the Hong Kong SAR, are keen on pushing for the city's integration with mainland China. But they may become increasingly aware that integration could bri ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-08

Addictive products make good investment theme

...  the Hong Kong bourse on June 12. Since then, share prices have quadrupled in less than a month. With a market value exceeding HK$13 billion and a price to earnings ratio of 50 times, China Tobacco se ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

How CEOs' personal lives can bring investment risk

... y in Hong Kong. The full article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on July 4 Translation by Julie Zhu with additional reporting [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

China’s personal income not as high as national income suggests

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on July 3 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-04

Japan-Korea tech war may result from US-China tariff row

The Japanese government announced on Monday that it would restrict the supply of three substances needed for making displays and semiconductors to South Korea. Japan controls 70 to 90 percent of the s ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-03

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