全球汽車業巨人、日產汽車前會長戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)因涉嫌低報薪酬兼挪用公款,上周遭東京地區檢察院以 ...全文
《紐約時報》昨天發表調查報道,揭露社交媒體巨頭Facebook(fb)僱用一間有共和黨背景、專門作敵對研究的公 ...全文
虛擬現實(VR)技術近年大行其道,最出名的研發公司要數早幾年被Facebook(fb)收購了的Oculus V ...全文
美國一個名為Students for Fair Admissions的組織控告哈佛大學的收生過程有種族歧視成分 ...全文
Silicon Valley technology giants such as Facebook and Google have grown so dominant they may need to be broken up, unless challengers or changes in taste reduce their clout, the inventor of the World ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-01
Facebook(fb)周二收市後公布第三季業績,整體收入與用戶增長均略為遜色,不過盈利勝於預期,加上展望盈利 ...全文
Facebook(fb)創辦人朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)表明,視蘋果公司的iMessage為其 ...全文
Apple chief executive Tim Cook said customer data is being “weaponized with military efficiency” by companies to increase profit and called for a federal privacy law in the United States, Reuters repo ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-25
Facebook(fb)近月不斷傳出醜聞,4個股東表態支持對沖基金Trillium,要求撤去fb創辦人朱克伯格 ...全文
Facebook has launched a smart speaker that facilitates video calls at home, but it seems it has chosen the wrong time to bring such a product to the market. Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal e ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-10
Facebook(fb)旗下照片分享應用程式Instagram(IG)的兩名創辦人雙雙劈炮離去,由加入IG僅5 ...全文
Facebook旗下的分享相片社交平台Instagram(IG)昨日出現故障,下午3時左右,全球多個城市包括香 ...全文
Facebook(fb)旗下照片分享應用程式Instagram(IG)的兩名創辦人周一宣布離開fb,《華爾街日 ...全文
社交網站Facebook(fb)創辦人朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)精於買賣之餘,還神機妙算?6年 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年09月27日
Shares of Facebook Inc. fell more than 2 percent in early trading on Tuesday after the two founders of photo-sharing app Instagram left the social networking giant under unexplained circumstances, Reu ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-26