
共 455 個結果
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'The buck stops here' never applies to Carrie Lam

... ging Link REIT into line, curbing MTR fare hikes and addressing public discontent with the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme. Her goals may sound ambitious and her pledges impressive, but if we lo ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-06

Why the iBond 6 is better than the iPhone 6

...  the Link Reit (00823.HK). Senior citizens have it even better. A similar “silver bond” will be offered this summer. On top of the 4 per cent gain, one can benefit from all the promotions our banks an ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-30


... 訊及房地產投資信託(REIT)等板塊將面對沽壓。 DataStream資料顯示,銀行股目前非常便宜,上月標指銀 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2016年05月23日

Link REIT: a financial monster bred by the govt

Ever since Link REIT (00823.HK) went public in 2005, it has remained at the centre of controversy over its aggressively profit-driven approach to running its shopping malls, car parks and public wet m ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-16

Fight Link REIT with competition law, not publicity stunts

... hoy, Link REIT's chief executive, said earlier, it has become almost a routine for politicians to stage protests in front of his office whenever there are elections coming up. The fact that the pan-de ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-11

Why Hong Kong investors should consider Australia

... developed REIT regime in the Asia-Pacific and that presents a wonderful investment opportunity for investors. Over time, an international real estate allocation, executed either via direct assets or R ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-11

美選舉存變數 大鱷投資審慎

... 買入房地產信託基金(REIT)。而在同一場合內,曾在九十年代協助索羅斯(George Soros)狙擊英鎊而聲 ...全文



... 黃金。 新債王建議買REIT 另外,「新債王」岡拉克(Jeffrey Gundlach)在同一場合表示,股市目 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年05月06日

宏利REIT星上市 集資37億

外電引述知情人士報道,宏利金融(00945)計劃將其美國房地產信託基金(REIT)分拆在新加坡上市,集資最多4 ...全文


Pan-democratic groups rally against 'bloodsucker' Link REIT

Dozens of people staged a protest against the Link Real Estate Investment Trust (Link REIT) on Tuesday, decrying what they called the property management firm's "merciless" and profiteering attitude.  ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-27

A股「入摩」五五波 春江鴨不易做

... TF、日本國債和J-REIT,並開始購買市政債券,可能還有公司債券。 此外,還可能減息,把負0.1%的利率,至 ...全文


HK home prices to move in 10% range this year: Property boss

... d Fortune REIT will only raise the rents at the malls that it operates on a case-by-case basis, as the shopping centers are meant to serve local residents' needs. He made that promise despite the comm ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-20


... 其實房地產信託基金(REIT)的租金收入穩定,派息亦穩定,不失為穩健投資之選。不過,投資者須留意,房託的派息並 ...全文


Link REIT ejects supermarket despite 45% rent hike offer

... s. A Link REIT staffer reportedly told Wong that the company preferred chain store operators to rent space in the shopping center. Replying to a standnews enquiry, Link Asset Management Limited, which ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-12

What Link REIT disposals tell us about the property market

... er of the REIT. Listed firms, local private investors and mainland investors were among the bidders. The seven properties fetched nearly HK$2 billion in total. If big investors are putting down some s ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-12

Why money still flows to HK’s sunset media industry

... g of Link REIT (00823.HK), which operates the Hong Kong Housing Authority’s retail property portfolio. Its latest exposé of a flats-swap swindle by a high-ranking official has prompted the Independen ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07

Tsing Yi stall owners say management targeting them for strike

... ust (Link REIT) outsourced the management contract to Uni-China, saying they were not consulted. Clashes broke out after Link REIT brought in its own people to run the stalls. In letters to stall owne ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

利率預期轉變 股息投資現良機

... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT)、新加坡與中國的銀行,以及運輸與電訊行業中的大型公司。儘管如此,投資者仍應保持精 ...全文


安邦反潮流 買酒店自己管

... 房地產投資信託基金(Reit),把大部分現金流用作股息,避開了企業稅的同時,可享有較低的資本成本。 對酒店品牌 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月16日

貨幣政策轉變 加倉優質收益股

... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT)、新加坡與中國的銀行,以及運輸與電訊行業中的大型公司。儘管如此,投資者仍應保持精 ...全文


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