
共 2852 個結果
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納瓦尼送院 反對派號召示威

... 廣場(Manezh Square)及聖彼得堡皇宮廣場(Palace Square)集會。不過,知情人士估計,俄 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年04月20日

Then, now and next: Retail’s roadmap for cryptocurrency

... including Square and IBM are using blockchain to design and improve digital payments methods. Apple Pay announced it will allow U.S. cardholders to add their Bitpay Prepaid Mastercard to Apple Wallet ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-16

London Dock與歷史地標為鄰

... 廣場Gauging Square。Pennington Quay Walk兩旁綠樹成蔭,擁有佔地7.5英畝的綠 ...全文


開市焦點:港股料回吐考驗廿天線 中芯中行遭減持

... e(SI)插15%;Square(SQ)挫5.4%。另外,業績好過預期的摩通,收市跌1.9%,為表現最差道指成 ...全文


Greenland vote damages China’s rare earth plans

The Cold War between China and the United States is extending into many sectors and remote corners of the world -- even Greenland, the world’s largest island of two million square kilometres and just ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-15

Greenland vote damages China's rare earth plans

... o million square kilometres and just 56,000 people off ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年04月15日


... 付公司Paypal與Square也兜底回升,亞洲區有做支付的Sea(SE)及雷蛇(01337)股價亦唔差。 本 ...全文


警指不涉種族歧視 紐約萬人遊行反仇恨

... 利廣場(Foley Square)集合後,下午遊行通過市政廳公園、布魯克林大橋到卡德曼廣場(Cadman Pl ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年04月06日


... 為Pershing Square Tontine (PSTH),籌得資金40億美元,為市場上規模最大的SPAC ...全文


高估自己付代價 逆風考驗新陣式

... 以電子支付系統供應商Square為例,早前曾於13個交易日內暴跌32%,六天後勁彈三成。 粉絲一口氣尚未喘過來 ...全文


The middle finger, Carrie Lam, and Eunice Yung Hoi-yan

... Tiananmen Square. The culturally clueless Yung clearly can’t understand or appreciate art. In her simplistic mind, she considered the photograph a violation of the national security law. I have said b ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-25

The middle finger, Carrie Lam, and Eunice Yung Hoi-yan

... Tiananmen Square. The culturally clueless Yung clearly ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2021年03月25日


... al、Stripe和Square等數十個不同的平台進行數碼支付是最終由銀行進行結算的,因而需要通過聯儲局(Fe ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年03月23日

How Hongkongers can navigate pitfalls in UK housing market

... ith 1,258 square feet on two floors. “It is 30 minutes by car to Leeds, a large city, where I can find work in insurance,” he said. “Wakefield is cheaper than a big city. It has few Chinese, so my son ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-22

現樓8 Casson Square 配套完善 倫敦一區矜罕地鐵站上蓋

零售商店和樓價息息相關,8 Casoon Square 毗連80萬呎辦公室大樓,包括Shell石油公司大樓及共 ...全文



... Tiananmen Square)、「維吾爾園」(Uyghur Court)、「香港路」(Hong Kong ...全文


A triple win for oceans, climate, and us

... n 687,000 square kilometers (265,000 square miles, an area larger than France) of ocean to establish the world’s fourth-largest marine protected area (MPA). Tristan da Cunha hosts the breeding grounds ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-19

食肆平舊約67%承接 低過30年前

... ,該名租客包裝成G-SQUARE商場,把舖內位置分間成多個細舖位分租,售賣時裝及代妝品為主,可惜現時租金風光不 ...全文


Even a Mark Six winner cannot afford to live at the Peak

... y a 6,266 square feet house at 77/79 Peak Road from Wheelock Properties last month. The transaction priced the home at near HK$88,000 per square foot. But more astonishing was the 30 per cent stamp du ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-17


...  Pershing Square Foundation、一個捐贈人主導慈善基金和一個非牟利組織。按Coupan ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2021年03月17日

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