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任天堂盈測無譜 投資者再三走寶

... ndo Labo,把Switch與紙板砌成的鋼琴、魚竿等組件結合,以實體紙玩具來操控虛擬遊戲。結果成績又再擊敗 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年04月23日

Should investors be concerned about HKMA interventions?

... estors to switch to the US dollar to enjoy higher interest income. Now, with the HKMA starting to buy Hong Kong dollar and taking liquidity out of the banking system, that will put upward pressure on ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-17

This new game could become Tencent's next cash cow

... ecided to switch its focus to developing games that are geared towards the wider public. But the transition was a difficult one, especially as existing income sources began to dry up while technology ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-10

Let's get prepared for autonomous vehicles

... on plus a switch to electric cars will lead to a substantial drop in the cost of robotaxi -- by 80 percent to less than US50 cents (HK$4) per mile, half the cost of private car. For this to happen, in ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-09

HTC must make tough decisions to turn business around

... tomers to switch loyalties. Currently, HTC's share of the global smartphone market is likely below 1 percent as its name has fallen off the top rankings. However, the company is still relying on its o ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-06

Why Apple should develop its own chips for Mac

...  users to switch to Mac if they haven't yet. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04

TNG Wallet targets expansion to UK

... o-called “switching cost”. In contrast, there are not many options available for the unbanked population. Thus. they have a higher acceptance of our service offerings. The unbanked rate is high among ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04

HKBN needs to think beyond price-cuts in mobile battle

... eople who switch from other networks can enjoy 5GB data usage at 21Mbps speed for HK$96 per month with a 24-month contract. That represents a 17 percent reduction from the previous price of HK$116 for ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-07

Why stock listing rules reform is so critical to HK

... es cannot switch to a different business after listing, and the special status of the companies will be clearly identified in the stock name. The key question comes down to what is in Hong Kong's over ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-02


《華爾街日報》昨引述消息報道,任天堂新遊戲機Switch今年踏入發售第二年,任天堂無意今年推出硬件設計大改的新 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年03月02日

任天堂據報今年不會推Switch 2.0

任天堂旗下Switch遊戲機大受歡迎,不少粉絲期望該公司今年會推出Switch的升級版新機型。不過,任天堂據報 ...全文


Edward Yiu vows support to parties of disqualified lawmakers

... ecided to switch to a geographic constituency, was very optimistic. Yiu said that although his major opponent, Vincent Cheng Wing-shun, a Sham Shui Po District Council member from the pro-Beijing Demo ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-22

Land issues key topic for functional constituency candidates

... ecided to switch his constituency and become the pan-democratic candidate for the Kowloon West seat. Compared to Tse’s professional expertise that matches the needs of the constituency, his opponent Z ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-21

Apple updates YouTube channel with HomePod tutorials

...  can also switch on or off offensive content. To reset the smart speaker, you can simply remove the accessory and set it up again with another iOS device. – Contact us at [email protected] JC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-12


... 損,業務持續低迷。 Switch遊戲機再創傳奇 在危急存亡之秋,任天堂需要一個有經驗的進攻中場,以睇清時局、策 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2018年02月10日

Why mobile operators want your second SIM card slot

...  can just switch service providers without having to change the SIM card in their smartphone. Given this very likely scenario, it is crucial for mobile operators to boost their online exposure to ensu ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

Why the Tse-Zimmerman contest is making both camps nervous

... illing to switch their votes to Tse in the March by-election. Besides, they also added, the results of the Election Committee election in December 2016 already indicated that young and pro-democracy c ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-05

馬里奧韌勁足 任天堂續看漲

... 威脅。消費者對新主機Switch趨之若鶩,任天堂的新一輪賺錢周期又再展開,公司公布截至去年12月底的第三財政季 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月05日


... 統遊戲機平台遊戲(如Switch、Playstation 4等),人大了哪來那麼多時間在家慢慢玩!我現在玩的, ...全文



... 文章講任天堂,那時候Switch剛開售,基金界認為最多只是Wii的翻版,一年後的今天,Switch銷售愈戰愈勇 ...全文


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