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麗展料不撤辣 跌10%企穩

... 達70%至80%。 麗豐(01125)半年純利3.03億元,增長64.6%;營業額8.33億元,上升54.9% ...全文


Hengqin doubles footprint, welcomes Hong Kong projects

Hengqin, the special economic zone adjoining Macau, has received approval from the State Council to double its land area and promised a warm welcome to projects from Hong Kong and Macau. Niu Jing, dir ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-14

Lai Sun says major projects to deliver returns in two years

Lai Sun Development Co. Ltd. (00488.HK) said it will take two more years before some of its major property developments start to deliver returns. The developments include a resort project at the Ocean ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-26

Lai Fung unit sets a record with Shanghai land deal

A unit of Lai Fung Holdings (01125.HK) secured a site in Shanghai Wednesday with a 577 million yuan (US$93.06 million) bid, a premium of 62.54 percent over the floor price, Singtao Daily reported Thur ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-10

Lai Fung eyes Hengqin for e-gaming arena, paper says

Lai Fung Holdings Ltd. (01125.HK) is planning to invest more than HK$100 million (US$12.89 million) in Hengqin New Zone to build the mainland’s largest electronic gaming arena, Hong Kong Economic Time ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-25

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