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體育用品生產商Adidas第三季盈利升10%,至3.11億歐羅(約26.6億港元),營業額大漲18%,至47. ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2015年11月06日

炒股不炒市 好股仍然勁

... 線運動品牌Nike及Adidas為主的運動、服飾業務或成為主要收入來源。 德銀指百麗中期純利增4%,高於預期9 ...全文


Hello Kitty, goodbye Rolex: Hong Kong retail mix goes downmarket

... th lease. Adidas is moving in, paying 23 percent less in rent, Bloomberg reports, citing Colliers International Group Inc. This is not an isolated case. Russell Street in Causeway Bay, which boasted t ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-28


... 功再租出,由運動品牌adidas以月租604萬元承租,租期5年,至2020年。 ...全文


殘股中尋寶 博取「死狗彈」

... 位非常熟悉Nike及Adidas等,黑馬Under Armour(安德瑪,UA)卻異軍突起,在美國市場的銷量首 ...全文


經濟密碼股海尋 中國轉型利與弊

... ,從耐克、其主要對手adidas以至蘋果的大中華業務表現可見,內地民眾消費意欲保持強勁,更令相關企業水漲船高, ...全文


Sports brands see strong potential in mainland market

... ectively. Adidas, Nike's biggest rival, reported a 48 percent jump in revenue and 59 percent rise in pretax profit in Greater China.  The tough times for sportswear companies may be behind us, as the ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-03


... ,其全球最大競爭對手adidas在大中華地區的營業額和稅前盈利也分別大增48%及59%,證明中國人愈來愈注重運 ...全文


Titleist golf equipment maker swinging for an IPO

... ng sales. Adidas AG chief executive Herbert Hainer said last month the company will seek buyers for some or all of its TaylorMade golf brand business, which posted a sales drop of 32 percent between 2 ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-29


... hone到Nike和adidas波鞋,最近在中國的銷情都前所未有地強勁,反映內地經濟並非像很多人擔心般「大鑊」 ...全文


減租16% 羅素街舖削五成

... ,舖位新近由運動品牌adidas連廣告位,以月租604萬元承租,較Coach的租金跌16%;而銅鑼灣羅素街其中 ...全文


Alibaba signs exclusive deals with global brands for China sales

... including Adidas and Gap. Arch-rival JD.com recently announced it would begin selling products from US brands, including Converse, Samsonite and major apparel brands, to Chinese customers through a ne ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-07

How companies should respond as social business goes global

... F, Intel, Adidas and Otto. It also set up many social business investment funds, sponsored university programs and awarded scholarships. Some governments are beginning to spare their conventional welf ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-11

FIFA chief rejects calls to resign amid corruption scandal

... r company Adidas said FIFA should do more to establish transparent compliance standards.  Coca-Cola Co. said the charges had "tarnished the mission and ideals of the FIFA World Cup and we have repeate ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-29

Can Li Ning turn the corner with 'smart' tie-up with Xiaomi?

... —Nike and Adidas -- have done such things back in 2012. Their smart shoes target professional athletes, such as basketball and football players, helping them to improve their performance by recording ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-18

Fake goods found on Tmall and rival websites

... ce shoes, Adidas backpacks and Burberry scarves. A further seven batches were classed as substandard. Two batches of fake goods were found on Yhd.com, operated by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.  Single batches ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-12

HK consortium eyes Reebok in US$2.2 bln bid

A group of Hong Kong investors and their Abu Dhabi partners are launching a takeover bid for Reebok from Adidas A.G., according to the Wall Street Journal. Jynwel Capital, the investment arm of the bi ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-20

Guangzhou police bust gangs selling fake LV handbags

...  Nike and Adidas sportswear and seized items worth 18.9 million yuan. More than 2,000 suspects have been arrested in the raid conducted as part of the local authorities' special campaign against fake ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-19

Mongkok Computer Centre may soon become 'Sneakers Center'

...  pairs of Adidas football boots, according to Apple Daily. Wan Kee has yet to put pen to paper on the lease of the four-storey building as it has asked the owner to carry out some interior renovation ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-05

Don't cry for me, Argenta

... p;T, SK2, Adidas and many other prestigious brands in Hong Kong and elsewhere. But wags figure that even if she did a product endorsement every week, she would not be able to afford her dream nest. So ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-29

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