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憂美債息抽升 美股反覆

... 4%。至於美國波音(Boeing)首季盈利24.77億美元,按年上升56.87%,經調整後每股盈利升至3.64 ...全文


波音首季多賺57% 上調全年盈利預測

全球最大飛機製造商波音(Boeing)公布,今年首季盈利24.77億元(美元‧下同),按年上升56.87%,每 ...全文


印度擬購逾百架戰機 或為歷來最大筆同類交易

... ,外界估計美國波音(Boeing)、洛歇馬丁(Lockheed Martin),歐洲以及俄羅斯等製造商會有興趣 ...全文


波音白狗當災 關稅戰蒸發市值

美國總統特朗普與飛機生產商波音(Boeing)曾經情投意合,但一如既往,特朗普的「愛意」很快煙消雲散。 特朗普 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年04月06日

【EJFQ信析】長揸高質科企 毋懼短線調整

... 威脅要取消波音公司(Boeing)的訂單。此外,老特也曾批評通用汽車(General Motors)在墨西哥生 ...全文


長揸高質科企 毋懼短線調整

... 威脅要取消波音公司(Boeing)的訂單。此外,老特也曾批評通用汽車(General Motors)在墨西哥生 ...全文


China fires back at US, slaps duties on soybeans, planes

... dels like Boeing Co.’s workhorse 737 narrowbody jet, but not newer models like the 737 MAX or its larger planes. A Beijing-based spokesman for Boeing declined to comment. Beijing’s announcement trigge ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04

遭黑客入侵 波音:客機生產不受影響

美國波音(Boeing)公司遭電腦病毒入侵,據報部分生產設備可能受損。公司發聲明指,遭受網絡攻擊,但飛機生產和 ...全文


Why a China-US trade war will hurt both

... ercent of Boeing's total revenue last year. Leading American tech firms like Intel, Texas Instruments, Nvidia, Micron Technology and Qualcomm all have big presence in China. A quickly emerging middle ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-27

US, EU to expel 100 Russian diplomats over UK nerve attack

... ontractor Boeing Co., a senior US official said. Seattle was a hub of Russian cyber espionage, both political and commercial, according to two US intelligence officials. The administration officials ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-27

Air China plane to HK found with big hole in nose: report

... lane. The Boeing 737 arrived late, touching down at 1:24 pm, instead of the scheduled time of noon. Citing sources, the newspaper reported that ground staff spotted a hole measuring about 1m x 1m righ ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-23

Trump's anti-China tariffs seen as warning shot in trade row

... aft maker Boeing down 5.2 percent and earthmoving equipment maker Caterpillar falling 5.7 percent. In addition to punitive tariffs, Trump’s memo also directed US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-23

愛迪生發明燈膽後的第二次照明革命 CREE

... EON)、波音公司(BOEING)、AEROJET、BAE系統公司,當然CREE亦名列薩德系統供應商名單。LE ...全文


面臨拆骨危機 GKN派錢自保

... 家擁有6萬名員工,是Boeing等飛機公司和Volvo及Volkswagen車廠的主要材料供應商。GKN是英國 ...全文


劉鶴訪美 傳已晤摩通高盛等高層

... Fink)、波音 (Boeing)國際業務負責人Marc Allen,以及保險商丘博(Chubb)行政總裁Ev ...全文



... 為,並未對美國波音(Boeing)的銷售額或營收造成損害。 上月26日,ITC出乎意料地裁定,波音對龐巴迪獲得 ...全文


US plans to privatize International Space Station: report

... n to hire Boeing and SpaceX to fly astronauts to the station. According to the Washington Post report, the Trump administration wants to extend the public-private partnership one step further to encou ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-13

歷年燒錢逾7800億 或交私企接手

... 5年起委託波音公司(Boeing)管理國際太空站,營運費用不菲,美國承擔的費用介乎每年30億至40億美元之間; ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月13日

SpaceX jumbo rocket blasts off from Florida in debut test flight

... Corp. and Boeing Co. – for about a fourth the cost. The demonstration flight put the Falcon Heavy into the annals of spaceflight as the world’s most powerful existing rocket, with more lift capacity t ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

波音業績頂呱呱 敗訴無關痛癢

... 美國飛機生產商波音(Boeing)的寫照。 美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)上周五駁回波音對加拿大飛機製造商龐巴迪 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月02日

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