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瑞銀聘ING掌門人為新CEO 接替安恩傑

瑞銀宣布,已聘請荷蘭國際集團(ING)行政總裁Ralph Hamers為新行政總裁(CEO),接替今年任滿的安 ...全文


Taiwan scrambles fighters as Chinese jets fly around island

Taiwan’s air force scrambled armed fighters on Sunday to intercept Chinese jets that flew around the island claimed by Beijing as its own, in a move denounced by Taiwan’s Defence Ministry as a threat ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10


... ife -Changing Magic of Tidying Up),走紅美國及30多國。 山下英子解釋:斷捨 ...全文



... 兌3.99泰銖。荷蘭ING集團經濟師預料,泰國央行第二季仍要再減一次息,因為泰國通脹率不高,而且旅遊業備受內地 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年02月06日

港GDP去年收縮1.2% 憂今季跌更深
十載重現負增長 疫情打沉零售旅遊

... DP或收縮逾3%。 ING銀行大中華經濟師彭藹嬈表示,受中美貿易談判、本地暴力事件,以及肺炎疫情影響,料今年首 ...全文


Why HK is finding it difficult to source more masks

A shortage of surgical masks amid mounting concerns over the spread of the novel coronavirus has triggered panic buying in the city. Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung Kin-chung said more than 32 million ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-03

The queen or the curse of Hong Kong?

... eful handling of the virus outbreak would fuel enough public anger to awaken President Xi Jinping. He needs to understand Lam’s position as chief executive is no longer tenable. Xi has praised her as ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-30


... 至1.1個百分點。 ING削內地增長預測至5.6% 中國疫情亦將令全球經濟增長面臨短期風險, 但大摩認為未對全 ...全文



... 當時有興趣的買家包括ING銀行,雖然最終未成事,但滙控關閉部分分行及裁減職位,業務成功扭虧為盈。儘管業務有改善 ...全文


The queen or the curse of Hong Kong?

... eful handling of the virus outbreak would fuel enough p ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2020年01月30日


... 周三的聯儲局議息會。ING首席經濟師James Knightley表示,一般估計聯儲局將維持基準利率不變,但市 ...全文


China virus death toll rises to nine

The death toll from a new flu-like coronavirus in China rose to nine on Wednesday with 440 confirmed cases, Reuters reports, citing Chinese health officials. Another 2,197 people who came into contact ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-22

春節前水緊 人行泵2000億
上星期淨釋1.1萬億 單周歷史新高

... (TMLF)到期。 ING指操作正常毋須在意 內地早前流動性偏緊,人行於上周三(1月15日)通過MLF及重啟逆 ...全文


Why unification by force is just an empty threat

In the wake of her landslide election victory, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) gave the BBC an exclusive interview, during which she urged Beijing to face the r ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

Hong Kong and Taiwan: Two lessons for Beijing and Carrie Lam

By now, everyone in Hong Kong and Taiwan knows about a tale of two elections. It's a true story about freedom. If only people in mainland China could read it too. It would teach them the meaning of fr ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-16

KMT still managed to put up a good fight

Taiwan's presidential and legislative elections have drawn to a close, with President Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) winning a record 8.17 million votes to secure a second term ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-15


ING銀行宣布,任命Krista Baetens為商業銀行亞太區行政總裁,自1月15日生效。Krista將常駐 ...全文


Analysts doubt if China can achieve Phase 1 commodity pledges

Commodity traders and analysts are struggling to map out how China will reach the eye-popping amounts it is committing to buy from the United States under Phase 1 of their trade deal. China has pledge ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-15

Taiwan's Tsai faces formidable challenges after election win

As many had expected, Taiwan's incumbent leader Tsai Ing-wen swept to an easy victory in the island's presidential election last Saturday, securing a second term in office. Tsai, from the ruling Democ ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-14

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