
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ...150

Be swift and precise to attract businesses and investments

...  year for land development, investments in industry development are essential to turn the San Tin Technopole in the Metropolis into “Hong Kong’s Silicon Valley”. Instead of incessantly funding economi ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-02


... 一個「奧茲的國土」(Land of Oz),偏處一隅。若想去那裏,並不容易,須穿越一個「死亡沙漠」,其內有一片 ...全文



... t in Merryland,描述的是另一個地方「梅里蘭」或「歡愉之地」。但在《綠野仙蹤》出版四年後,他重回到 ...全文


Think again about persistent inflation, and the non-partisan Fed

... ets (like land) and fake assets (like... cryptocurrencies). Meanwhile, long-term interest rates remain unmoved, so the yield curve flattens or even becomes inverted, eventually causing credit markets ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-23

Make COP27 a turning point for food systems

... lture and land use. Far more is needed to ensure sustainable food production, which in turn would bring benefits to billions of people, as well as to the climate and other species. Smallholder farmers ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-18

處理地界 卸責心態

... 是一個土地測量權威(Land Survey Authority)所應為。 究其原因,亦可說是公務員「少做少錯, ...全文


Sustainable investment: The challenge for investors

... of arable land for reforestation and biodiversity projects. We will have to rethink our production and consumption methods. Materials. We will have to decouple the trajectory of economic growth from t ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-10

Decoding 'get in front, not behind'

... ng to the Land Registry, it is a five-bedroom house of 7,171 square feet with a 5,015 square feet garden, 1,306 rooftop and three parking spaces developed by Kerry Properties. Let the music play and p ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-09

Russians’ struggle: Should I stay or should I go?

... you could land in prison, or worse. Leavers are often criticized as cowards, or traitors, while dissidents who stay are squeezed between foreign powers and their own government. Russians who love thei ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-08

生活便利媲美中心區 學霸搖籃近在咫尺

... 府土地註冊局(HM Land Registry)數據顯示,今年8月哈羅整體私人住宅樓價約55.62萬英鎊(約5 ...全文


大埔University Hill月尾開售

... 將推售屯門NOVO LAND新期數及天水圍天榮站上蓋項目等。   ...全文


University Hill提供607伙 最快本月底推售

... 會推售屯門NOVO LAND新期數及天水圍天榮站上蓋項目,也會以現樓形式推售沙田瓏珀山。 本港銀行再度調高最優 ...全文


TSMC navigates stormy seas of Sino-US Cold War

... n the mainland, said that, if the West imposed sanctions on China like those it has put on Russia, Beijing must seize TSMC. The Center is a state-backed research institute. “They are speeding up the t ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-03

TSMC navigates stormy seas of Sino-US Cold War

... n the mainland, said that, if the West imposed sanction ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年11月03日

Human rights hold the key to protecting biodiversity

... sts, grasslands, and other native vegetation were destroyed – the highest rate since 2015. And in recent decades, 40-55% of the Cerrado biome has been converted to croplands, pastures, and tree planta ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-31


... 全不一樣的土地管理(land administration)制度,而開埠以來很長一段時間,新界的土地規劃基本上 ...全文


Fixing the food trade

... stainable land use, and manage scarce water resources. A long-overdue update of the WTO rulebook for agricultural trade is needed more urgently than ever, because we need to create a better incentive ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-24

Taiwan firms migrate to Southeast Asia from China

... ries: Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Australia and New Zealand. In the first qu ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-20

Taiwan firms migrate to Southeast Asia from China

... ries: Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singa ...全文

今日信報時事評論Mark O’Neill2022年10月20日


... 康住宅項目NOVO LAND第1A期首批折實均價13188元還低;以首張價單計,Bologna平絕今年新盤。 ...全文


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