手機晶片商高通(Qualcomm)向蘋果提出了多宗專利權訴訟,務求令iPhone被禁止進口美國,根據周二公布的 ...全文
Split decisions by a US government panel in acrimonious patent disputes between iPhone-maker Apple and chip supplier Qualcomm left their battle lines largely unchanged ahead of a US Federal Trade Comm ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-27
美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)一名貿易法官周二作出裁決,認定蘋果公司侵犯高通(Qualcomm)專利,建議對蘋果 ...全文
... ge of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor. The processor has been widely used among Android flagship smartphone models this year, including Mi9, Samsung Galaxy S10 series, Sony Xperia 1, vivo IQOO, ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-21
據路透報道,一名美國法官在高通(Qualcomm)和蘋果公司的專利案上已做出初步裁決,法官認為高通須向蘋果支付 ...全文
A US federal judge has issued a preliminary ruling that Qualcomm Inc. owes Apple Inc. nearly US$1 billion in patent royalty rebate payments, though the decision is unlikely to result in Qualcomm writi ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-15
... 機採用了市場上少用的Qualcomm SoC最新型號晶片,正好輕易解決了以上種種問題,即使機身小巧,電量亦很驚 ...全文
... 明顯是身邊持有高通(Qualcomm)股票的朋友。是的,相對兩國龐大的GDP或貿易總額,今次制裁個別企業的規模 ...全文
... hips from Qualcomm and Intel. Last year President Donald Trump removed the “death penalty” which the US Congress had imposed on ZTE by lifting the ban on US firms selling to the company and replacing ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-11
... he latest Qualcomm 855 mobile platform. The entry-level S10e comes with a dual-lens system at the back, while the two premium models are equipped with a triple-lens system. The S10+ is equipped with ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-07
... pped with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 855 chip and a built-in 4000mAh capacity battery, just like the Mi9. The 6GB + 128GB version is priced at 2,998 yuan, one yuan cheaper than the Xiaomi flagship model. H ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-05
... 利有利亦有弊,高通(Qualcomm)近年便因為其出租專利的銷售策略被反競爭規管機構圍堵。 前兩日欄友徐家健提 ...全文
... ,理應賺到笑的高通(Qualcomm)竟然跑輸大市,跌了三成。股價低迷,徐家健昨日提到的官司是主因;官司纏身, ...全文
吉利汽車(00175)母公司吉利控股集團宣布,與高通(Qualcomm)和高新興(Gosuncn)合作,推出5 ...全文
... 用,亦討論一下高通(Qualcomm,QCOM)近年在資訊科技市場被圍堵的原因。以下先比照兩家公司的發跡背景。 ...全文
... pped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 mobile platform and X50 modem for high-speed connectivity. The device is similar to a pocket Wi-Fi design, and will let up to 20 users connect to its 5G connectivity. ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-26