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外電引述索尼(Sony)的發言人稱,該公司將在未來數天內關閉位於北京的智能手機工廠,以削減該項虧損業務的成本。 ...全文


限古令 vs Apple TV+

... 了劍指微軟Xbox和Sony PS4,騰訊(00700)、IGG(00799)等網遊商勢受到衝擊。 Apple ...全文



... sic)、索尼音樂(Sony Music)和華納唱片(Warner Music)展開授權談判。Spotify目 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月25日

Xiaomi needs to improve its supply chain management

... 0 series, Sony Xperia 1, vivo IQOO, Lenovo and some other brands. Xiaomi has been telling the public that it was the first to deploy Snapdragon 855 processor in mass scale in the industry, even though ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-21

Stadia運算力龐大 5秒即可玩

... 力。 事實上,索尼(Sony)旗下的PlayStation 4(PS4)遊戲平台,近日亦更新Remote Pl ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年03月21日


... MD晶片,計劃改變由Sony、任天堂及微軟用主機的生態,希望用家無需買好貴的主機及遊戲,便有一級的玩樂享受。受 ...全文


亞股個別走 日股高收42點

... 。受消息拖累,索尼(Sony)和任天堂的股價分別挫3.38%及3.21%。 南韓股市則偏軟,韓國首爾綜合指數收 ...全文


Google announces Stadia cloud gaming service

... nic Arts, Sony or Microsoft’s gaming units. Google’s hardware business is a top priority for Chief Executive Sundar Pichai, who opened Tuesday’s keynote. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-20

奧斯卡落幕 爭議未止息

... ,市場生巨變。索尼(Sony)重拍《蜘蛛俠》大賣,漫威未能分一杯羹,已感不滿。最令漫威心生不忿的是,無法藉電影 ...全文


傳遭刑事調查 涉向夥伴洩用戶資料

... 、蘋果、微軟、索尼(Sony)等超過150間公司曾與fb存在夥伴關係,他們可在沒有獲得同意的情況下,讀取fb數 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月15日


日前有報道引述消息稱,Sony計劃收購大型遊戲廠商Take-Two Interactive。不過,Sony發言 ...全文


Fb遭刑事調查 涉允合作夥伴接觸用戶資訊

... 、蘋果、微軟和索尼(Sony)等全球150多家大企業提供其用戶個人數據,所涉及內容遠比fb之前披露的要多。 f ...全文


KKR, Tencent eyeing bids for Universal Music: report

...  ahead of Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music, and is home to artists like Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Drake and Kendrick Lamar. Vivendi and KKR declined to comment, while Tencent was not immediate ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-28

At MWC, a reminder that some old brands still in the mobile race

... h as HTC, Sony and Nokia have reminded analysts and consumers that they are still very much in the game as they unveiled their own new products and signaled ambitions to win back market share. Let’s t ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-26

Xiaomi's Mi 9 beats iPhone in camera performance

... ists of a Sony IMX586 48-megapixel primary sensor with f/1.75 aperture lens, a 12-megapixel telephoto lens with 2x optical zoom support, and a 16-megapixel ultra-wide angle lens, which supports a poin ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-21

Sony尋外援求突破 提供資金營銷協助

曾以Walkman等創新產品聞名的日本電子集團Sony(索尼)昨天表示,為了尋求更多技術突破,將開始向外部企業 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年02月21日

Huawei bets on P30 series to boost market share amid US moves

... 0 series, Sony's Xperia XZ4, which is expected to offer a high megapixel camera, and Xiaomi's Mi 9 smartphone, which will feature a 48-megapixel triple-camera system. The P30 launch is also good news ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-20


索尼(Sony)昨天發聲明,宣布旗下索尼互動娛樂(SIE)的副總裁瑞安(Jim Ryan)將由4月1日開始取代 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年02月13日

軟銀分拆股價謝 回購難𠱁投資者

...  日本另一巨擘索尼(Sony)上周五宣布首度大規模回購,買回1000億日圓股票,佔整體股票約2.4%,藉此向投 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年02月11日


... 同版本,是任天堂對手Sony的拿手好戲,但Sony習慣向「上」發展,推出硬件規格更強的遊戲機吸引機迷投資,任天 ...全文


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