... 收入增長強勁,可視為中國水務股中的首選,給予「跑贏大市」評級,目標價看12.3元。該股昨天收報10.46元, ...全文
中國水務(00855)上周四公布,截至9月底止6個月股東應佔盈利4.29億元,較上年同期經重列的2.87億元, ...全文
... 的用途,嚴禁浪費。 中國水務(00855)於上月尾剛公布全年業績, 收入大增41.1%至40.3億元,純利大升 ...全文
今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年07月06日
... 華水利、綜管中心以及中國水務等子公司持股比例為24.09%,是三峽水利的實際控制人。 新華水利目前控股水電裝機 ...全文
Gulp. China, home to roughly 20 percent of the world's population, has only 7 percent of the world's freshwater reserves. As problematic as that sounds, the situation is far, far worse. For starters, ...More
EJ Insight2014-04-22
China will give local governments across the nation a free hand to set water rates and implement tiered pricing to encourage users to cut back on the essential resource. China, with 19 percent of the ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-05