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表明不賣盤 盈利續受壓

... 亞7%的國際對沖基金Elliott及持股14%的國浩,或會繼續要求東亞作出更多的企業行動以增加回報。 不過,德 ...全文


無意放售東亞 承諾「做好啲」

東亞銀行(00023)昨天公布2015年度業績,同時高調回應國際對沖基金Elliott對該行的狙擊。東亞主席李 ...全文


今派業績 息差續弱 撥備飆升

... 基金、東亞第四大股東Elliott要求該行賣盤,令東亞股價一度有支持,但分析認為,東亞短期出現併購的機會不大, ...全文


基金狙擊 東亞難撼

美對沖基金Elliott致函東亞銀行(00023)股東,表示東亞應尋求適當溢價賣盤,為股東創造合理價值;東亞反 ...全文


港銀搶手 大新孖寶熱炒

... 東亞周五再遭對沖基金Elliott狙擊, 後者致函股東狠批東亞的管理水平,圖迫使其賣盤,東亞股價升5.5%,收 ...全文



... 飆7.2%。對沖基金Elliott促請東亞銀行(00023)尋求溢價賣盤,收報21.8元,上揚4.1%。 以去 ...全文



東亞銀行(00023)再被國際對沖基金Elliott狙擊,Elliott在公開信中呼籲東亞股東要求董事會放盤出 ...全文


Can Britain survive Brexit?

... rian John Elliott identified as the prevalent form of rule in the 16th century, when separate entities, such as Aragon and Castile, had to be held together. Already in 2014, the Scottish National Part ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-06

Why Hong Kong should embrace active investors

...  Singer’s Elliott Capital directs US$25 billion, enough to strike fear in the hearts of even colossal firms like Bank of East Asia, whose directors see a very serious investor behind what otherwise mi ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

EMC to seek other suitors even after deal with Dell

... activist, Elliott Management, among its shareholders. Elliott could push for a sweetened bid if it is unhappy with the price. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-12

Biggest hedge fund turns bearish on China, saying steer clear

... including Elliott Management Corp. founder Paul Singer, Perry Capital LLC founder Richard Perry and Pershing Square Capital Management LP founder William Ackman. “It looks worse to me than 2007 in the ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-23

Hedge fund takes BEA to court over Sumitomo deal

Hedge fund Elliott Management Corp. has launched legal action against Bank of East Asia Ltd. (BEA) over the latter's deal last year to sell nearly US$1 billion worth of shares to Japan’s Sumitomo Mits ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-12

US goes all out to woo Chinese tourists

... the next. Elliott Ferguson, head of Destination DC – which promotes tourism in the US capital -- says he’s hiring more tour guides fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese and has Chinese nationals on staff t ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-03

HP, EMC terminate merger talks: Reuters

... edge-fund Elliott Management, which has pushed hard for EMC to pursue merger or spinoff opportunities, the report noted. Elliot Management owns 2.2 percent of EMC. Executives from HP and EMC, two of t ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-15

Museum to showcase rare Leica cameras

... n titled “Elliott Erwitt: Best in Show” and a “Leica M3: 60th Anniversary” camera exhibition will be staged from September 18 to November 30, the report said. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/AC/J ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-13

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