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Taiwan expert becomes China’s pig feedgrain king

...  region,” IFC said on its website. “Anyou focuses on low protein, ideal amino acids and net energy consumption, which can help to improve feed conversion ration and reduce the production of animal was ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-20

Li Ka-shing to sell Nanjing IFC to Jiangsu firm, website says

Singapore-based ARA Asset Management Ltd., an affiliate of Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing’s Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd. (00001.HK), is selling its International Financial Center (IFC) project in Na ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-31

IFC to invest 12 bln yuan in interbank bond market, report says

International Finance Corp. (IFC), the investment arm of the World Bank Group, said on Thursday it will invest 12 billion yuan (US$1.97 billion) in China’s interbank bond market through an agency agre ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-27

SHKP deserves higher China profile due to good asset mix

...  Shanghai IFC towers. And this number is set to grow along with rising rental rates and an expanding portfolio, in particular following the completion of a mega project at the bustling Xujiahui commer ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-29

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