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fb交友去馬 股民立棄Tinder

不久之前才爆出用戶個人資料被濫用的醜聞,Facebook在這個骨節眼上動用更多用戶個人訊息聽起來很奇怪,不過, ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年05月15日

Facebook to form blockchain group led by Coinbase board member

David Marcus, vice president of Messaging Products at Facebook, disclosed that he is leading a small group of employees to explore how the world's largest social network can leverage blockchain techno ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-09

潮退見真章 誰人冇褲着

電動車生產商特斯拉(Tesla)上周三美股收市後公布2018年第一季業績,由去年同期接近3億美元的虧損擴大至約 ...全文


吹噓網上跟蹤 fb工程師被炒

fb一名男工程師被揭發在交友程式Tinder,向女網友吹噓可網上跟蹤用戶,fb證實已開除該員工,但拒絕透露他的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年05月04日


本年度Facebook F8開發者大會,創辦人兼行政總裁朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)宣布多項新功 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年05月03日

推約會功能 攻2億單身用戶

Facebook為了挽回信心吸引用戶,除推出「Clear History」補鑊外,fb在F8大會上又公布多項更 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年05月03日

Facebook to play cupid in online dating debut

Facebook Inc. will soon launch a dating service to match millions of people on the world’s largest online social network and nudge them into spending more time there. The service, which Facebook had c ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02


Facebook(fb)的行政總裁朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)早前在美國國會兩天的聽證會,為互聯 ...全文


Facebook slammed by UK lawmakers over response to data scandal

A top Facebook executive apologized for errors made by the firm and vowed to do more to improve transparency during a four-hour grilling from British lawmakers who insisted the company’s response to a ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-27

沙地阿拉伯斥巨資建娛樂城 與迪士尼爭客

沙地阿拉伯政府擬推動國內經濟多樣化,宣布開展一個「娛樂城市」的項目計劃,希望能吸引外地遊客消費並改變其國際形象 ...全文


程序員供不應求 非洲人才闖出路

2017年聯合國估計非洲人口中60%是24歲或以下的青年人。在全球人口老化情況下,未來50年非洲是五大洲中唯一 ...全文


Facebook to put 1.5 bln users out of reach of new EU privacy law

If a new European law restricting what companies can do with people’s online data went into effect tomorrow, almost 1.9 billion Facebook Inc. users around the world would be protected by it. The onlin ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-20

fb洩密醜聞 蓋茨撐朱克伯格已竭盡所能

社交巨擘Facebook(fb)爆出用戶私隱遭侵犯風波,微軟創辦人蓋茨(Bill Gates)認為,fb創辦人 ...全文


投資像跑馬 永遠冇如果

4月17日,周二。讀壇友timcheung 1019842〈馬照跑A Theory of Horse〉,感慨良 ...全文


Facebook's Zuckerberg shows savvy in human interaction

Facebook co-founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg fielded questions from US lawmakers for roughly 10 hours over two days last week. Though the grilling was intense, it is said that the 33-year-o ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-16

Data privacy concerns rise as Facebook admits tracking non-users

Concern about Facebook's respect for data privacy is widening to include the information it collects about non-users, after Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said the social network tracks people whethe ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-16


外電報道,作為全球最大社交網站Facebook的行政總裁,朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在2017 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年04月16日


Facebook(fb)教主朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)接受美國國會「公審」成為全球焦點,回看整 ...全文


Tesla, US safety board clash over Autopilot investigation

Tesla Inc. lashed out at the National Transportation Safety Board after the agency took the unusual step of removing the automaker as a party to its investigation of a fatal crash in March in which a ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-13


4月12日,周四。Facebook教主朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)先後出席美國國會參眾兩院聽證會 ...全文


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