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貝索斯CEO告別信 炫耀23年功績

... 的成就,披露電商平台Prime用戶數量去年底突破2億個,按年增加5000萬個。他認為,即使Prime用戶每年須 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年04月17日


亞馬遜行政總裁貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)披露,旗下電商平台Prime用戶數量突破2億個。 貝索斯周四發表致 ...全文


Greenland vote damages China’s rare earth plans

...  the next Prime Minister. “Our main message is that we do not want to see more militarisation in the Arctic. Dealing with the interests of big powers such as the U.S. and China will be a balancing act ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-15

Greenland vote damages China's rare earth plans

...  the next Prime Minister. "Our main message is that we ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年04月15日

首季料蝕75億 削股息停花紅

... 對該行主要經紀服務(Prime Services)造成的重大損失令人無法接受。 Greensill倒閉 訴訟手 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年04月07日

Lessons from missteps of democratic governments amid pandemic

... named for Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s father, who had justified traveling to Greece on these grounds. Vaccinations are even more problematic. There is a strong case for vaccinating nursing-home res ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-31

美基金爆煲 瑞信恐蝕312億
野村料損手156億 兩股急挫一成多

... 有向它提供主要經紀(Prime Broker)服務,為對沖基金等機構投資者提供槓桿融資、證券拆借等服務。 Ar ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年03月30日

On China, Boris Johnson trapped between rock and hard place

On February 12, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told a group of British companies active in China that he was “fervently Sinophile” and determined to improve ties “whatever the occasional political diffi ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-18

On China, Boris Johnson trapped between rock and hard place

On February 12, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told a gro ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年03月18日


... 信貸評分獲「優良」(Prime)或以上,較2019年同期增加兩個百分點。 借貸明顯趨審慎 劉俊傑續稱,各主要信 ...全文


Time for government to set up Science and Development Office

... ithin the Prime Minister’s Office in 2006, providing the nation’s direction for research and innovation by developing policies and plans, with a strategy for the city state every five years. Its Scien ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-10

安進斥148億 收購胃癌療程商

... 癌新療程的Five Prime Therapeutics。 根據協議,每股收購作價38美元,高於Five Pr ...全文



美國媒體CNBC引述消息人士稱,亞馬遜與美式足球大聯盟(NFL)洽商,希望2023年起,由旗下Prime視頻平 ...全文



《華爾街日報》報道,亞馬遜與全國美式足球大聯盟(NFL)即將達成協議,由前者的Prime Video享有部分賽 ...全文



近期疫情關係,扒房主打產地美國得州的USA Prime Tomahawk未能到港,因此只能以Omaha Pri ...全文


Getting a jab: One step closer to Covid travel visa

... k, Greece prime minister urged the European Commission to introduce a vaccination certificate, echoed by Denmark and Estonia. Spain even came up with an idea for a database of vaccine refusers to be s ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-24


... 」、 「59S」、「Prime Tech」及「Momax」等牌子的消毒器,均對人體有高危害,皮膚及眼睛短時間暴 ...全文


Biden’s Asian triangle

... r. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spearheaded a reinterpretation of Article 9 of Japan’s post-war constitution, to strengthen the country’s defense capabilities under the United Nations Charter, and ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-05


... 。沒有Amazon Prime的超快服務,手錶沒有Rolex或Seiko質素,T恤不會如Gucci柔軟。價錢平 ...全文


England’s lockdown lessons

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s recent warning that the lifting of England’s current third lockdown will be no “great open Sesame,” despite the fall in infections and the encouraging progress of the ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-27

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