
共 845 個結果
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How a startup aims to hit the spot on energy conservation

... at users  switch to LEDs, is not enough to drive and foster environmental awareness among people. "We are trying to use data analytics to improve people's habits over time and help users to work on th ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-23

WiFi networks seen vulnerable to hacking due to WAP2 flaw

... ction and switch back to 3G or 4G. In addition, Fan noted that a website with Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) or an app with Transport Layer Security (TLS) would be safer. The WiFi Allianc ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-19

潮流興Data Center REITs

... 以REITs形式)的Switch (SWCH)是美國今年以來第3大集資最多的上市公司,首日掛牌升了22%。比照 ...全文


Why the govt can hardly justify banning diesel private cars

... ers would switch to electric cars or simply give up buying cars altogether rather than buying petrol or hybrid vehicles instead. If the government can't guarantee that, I simply see no justification f ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-29

Government should aim for a cashless society

... tizens to switch to other new e-payment systems with unknown risks at least in the short run. But still, since the future lies in e-payment systems, whether we like it or not, I believe our government ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-27

Will Beijing change its HK policy after key appointments?

... es with a switch in the central government's stance on Hong Kong, which he said has never changed. Speaking outside his office on his first day at work, Zhang said the key is to follow what President ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-26

Chris Patten urges HK people to fight for democracy

... d idea to switch to another method (Hong Kong independence) just because the first one is not working,” he said. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/BN/CG ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-22

Time-share firm 'named and shamed' over sales malpractices

... buyers to switch off their mobile phones and surrender their identity and credit cards under the pretext of registering their names in order for them to receive free gifts, Wong said. The council has ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-21

高盛:恒指先跌後回穩 留意高槓桿牛66660、新上市牛67500,高槓桿熊62137

... )騰訊遊戲登陸任天堂Switch平台 留意高槓桿購14362、新上市貼價牛67507正股表現:騰訊(00700 ...全文



... 》將在冬季登陸任天堂Switch平台,《華爾街日報》引述知情人士透露,是次合作或為任天堂進一步布局在中國發售S ...全文


高盛:恒指再創2年多高位後回落 留意少數貼價牛66660,高槓桿熊62137

... 其手機遊戲登陸任天堂Switch平台,獲券商看好,給予392元的目標價。資金流向:北水連續4個交易日透過港股通 ...全文


How Henry Tang emerged from years in the wilderness

... de a good switch from textile to tourism, to be back at the Tourism Board and Ocean Park. And later John Tsang, who ran against Carrie Lam six months ago and now rediscovered as a key opinion leader o ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-19

大成交突破 有貨咪亂放

... 王者榮耀》登陸任天堂switch平台,花旗表示難以估計實際影響,但維持目標價392元。騰訊股價再創新高,以全日 ...全文



... 機Nintendo Switch的大腦也是Nvidia Tegra X1,使之長期得享資本巿場的注目禮。 遊戲 ...全文


港股兩連挫 數據差沽內銀

... 登錄任天堂新遊戲主機Switch,料可進一步提升騰訊的遊戲收入,為股價提供上升動力。麥格理發表報告,預測騰訊的 ...全文


iPhone X: little sizzle, long wait, many memes

... uyers may switch to the older generation of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, well-rounded models released just a year ago, for cost-performance as their prices have been slashed by up to HK$900. Feedback among Ap ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-13

China studying when to ban sales of traditional fuel cars

...  make the switch towards new energy vehicles, and called on the country’s car makers to adapt to the challenge and adjust their strategies accordingly. Banning the sale of petrol- and diesel-powered c ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-11

Why AI-powered chatbots will be all the rage

... y tend to switch to other professions. There are also lots of outstanding talent studying abroad, but they soon move to mainland China or the US. What a shame. This article appeared in the Hong Kong E ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-24

Consumer Council sounds warning over shampoo allergens

... on should switch to other brands of shampoo as soon as possible or seek medical care. The Consumer Council warned that fragrances of shampoo products, which are a main factor affecting many consumers' ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-16


任天堂旗下的Switch手提遊戲機,由3月開售至今已賣出近470萬部。外國傳媒Engadget報道,遊戲配件廠 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年08月16日

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