
共 2907 個結果
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道指收市跌164點 納指幾乎挽回所有失地

... 消息方面,折扣零售商Target首季純利21億美元,按年飆逾6倍,收入亦上升23%至242億美元,公司預測今季 ...全文


Target首季收入升23% 勝預期

美國零售商Target首季營運收入按年升23%,主要由於投資在獨有品牌的策略收效,以及新冠疫苗接種進展良好,帶 ...全文


虛幣崩圍拖冧市 道指曾挫近600
科技板塊重災 避險推升金價

... 消息方面,折扣零售商Target首季純利21億美元,按年飆逾6倍,收入亦上升23%至242億美元,該公司預測今 ...全文


美企請人難 上調最低時薪招才

... 額外獲100美元。 Target提升至每小時15美元 墨西哥式餐廳Chipotle Mexican Grill ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年05月15日

Is stagflation coming?

... annual 2% target for over a decade. The first holds that the United States has enacted excessive fiscal stimulus for an economy that already appears to be recovering faster than expected. The addition ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-15

The challenge of big tech finance

... ly became targets of a Chinese government crackdown. The challenges for regulators are obvious. Where a single company channels payments for the majority of a country’s population, as does M-Pesa in K ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-12

American racism dies hard, but it’s dying

... tion that target non-whites. In Washington, on the other hand, the inclusive culture is advancing in Congress the most significant voting rights reforms since the 1960s, intended to ensure access to p ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-31


...  goals on target),這是在考慮射門的角度和射門是否命中龍門,再加上歷年球賽大數據計算出不同射門 ...全文


Central banks’ taper dilemma

...  generate target returns, with approximately 90% of global bonds trading at a yield below 2% at the end of 2020. Recent yield-curve steepening has provided some respite, but central banks’ support rem ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-23

肯聽顧客話 發達在眼前

聽老婆話會發達,不見得。但聽顧客話會發達,例子卻多的是。成功帶領美國零售巨頭Target走出陰霾及去年業績創歷 ...全文



... etermined target)。一家SPAC成立和上市時,固然不可以跟任何第三方有任何形式的收購或合併的協 ...全文

今日信報理財投資SPAC Sponsor之旅王幹文2021年03月15日

How rural women can drive green recoveries

... s an easy target for recovery packages. Renewable energy development has proven to be resilient throughout the pandemic. Even with delays in sectors like transport and construction, new renewable-ener ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-12

Why is the Fed considering a digital dollar?

... be a rich target for hackers and digital terrorists. Security and financial stability are of the essence, and it is not obvious that they can be guaranteed. All this is to say that while the case for ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-11


全球經濟受累新冠肺炎疫情之際,美國百貨公司Target反而撈得風生水起,最近更成為媒體寵兒。當記者碰到Targ ...全文


What are the new inflation hawks thinking?

Back in 1992, Lawrence H. Summers, then the chief economist at the World Bank, and I warned that pushing the US Federal Reserve’s annual inflation target down from 4% to 2% risked causing big problems ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-05

迪士尼關閉20%專賣店 加強拓網購

... 迪士尼樂園商店,和與Target等百貨集團合作的店內店,以及第三方商店。 ...全文


美得州全面鬆綁防疫管制 招惹政商界批評

... 界及商界反對,零售商Target及梅西(Macy's)表示,仍會要求得州的顧客與僱員佩載口罩。 民主黨得州支部 ...全文


Target季績勝預期 純利108億多66%

美國零售市道回暖,當地第二大零售商Target周二於收市後公布,截至1月30日止第四財政季度,純利按年升65. ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年03月04日

道指低收143點 納指挫1.69%

... 倒插9%。折扣百貨店Target季度業績理想,股價同樣先升後跌,收市回落6.7%。 瑞銀估計調整屬短暫 瑞銀環 ...全文



美國第二大批發零售商Target公布,截至1月底止第四季,利潤按年升66%至13.8億元(美元‧下同);收入按 ...全文


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