
共 1632 個結果
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Can data solve the climate crisis?

... g out the vision and outlining the strategies and targets for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality. The government has also pledged about $240 billion over the next 15 to 20 years ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-16

【國際早班車】普京晤德總理 稱俄不想開戰 願與西方談判

... 購公司(SPAC) VISION DEAL發起人之一包括阿里巴巴前CEO衛哲。■ 科技園公司向租戶、培育公司及 ...全文



特殊目的收購公司(SPAC)VISION DEAL向港交所提交的文件顯示,其發起人之一包括阿里巴巴(09988 ...全文


【新股追蹤】VISION DEAL發起人包括阿里前CEO衛哲

特殊目的收購公司(SPAC)VISION DEAL向港交所提交的文件顯示,其發起人之一包括阿里巴巴前CEO衛哲 ...全文



... 購倫敦London Vision Clinic全部股權,以現金及向賣方配股支付。 約根森表示,倫敦診所是公司首 ...全文


軟銀流年不利 阿里池魚遭殃

... 億美元「願景基金」(Vision Fund)的沙地阿拉伯主權基金(PIF)亦決定「閂水喉」,而軟銀需要為旗下多 ...全文


Economic bridge building

... es with a vision of the better road not taken: “Imagine if bold support for community colleges and training would match the preparation and reconnection of the G.I. Bill as America was encouraging glo ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-09

監管阻售予輝達 謀納指掛牌

... 技基金──願景基金(Vision Fund)上季賺1090億日圓,扭轉前一季破紀錄的8251億日圓虧損,主要得 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年02月09日

Proper execution mechanism should follow gov’t structural reform

...  Tomorrow Vision, where various fields are involved, necessitating cross-departmental coordination. Besides refining the leadership level, the execution model is a vital element of equal importance in ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-07

Metaverse jobs in future

... , it is a vision of the metaverse. Today, technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) in which sprites are embedded in the live environment when playing Pokémon, and extended realit ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-31

Tinkering with justice

... readth of vision to the decisions of the CFA. To date, the CFA has only had one NSL case referred to it and this was decided in accordance with established common law principles. One can readily envis ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-31

德視佳(01846) 須予披露的交易 / 根據一般性授權發行股份

德視佳(01846) 有關須予披露的交易 收購LONDON VISION CLINIC PARTNERS LI ...全文


德視佳(01846) 須予披露的交易 / 根據一般性授權發行股份

德視佳(01846) 須予披露的交易 收購LONDON VISION CLINIC PARTNERS LIMI ...全文


皇家加勒比因應疫情 暫停部分航線

... 程,而原定恢復航程的Vision of the Seas也會推遲,時間另行通知。 皇家加勒比表示,停航原因是審 ...全文


Pessimism Amid Progress

... ghtenment vision of human equality was wrong and should ...全文

今日信報時事評論J.Bradford DeLong2022年01月10日

Pessimism amid progress

... ghtenment vision of human equality was wrong and should be replaced with the Aristotelian principle that it is unjust to treat non-equals equally. Another hurdle is economic. It was long assumed that ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-07

Three tips for digital transformation

... y defined vision that is ahead of the current skills, but something that can be grown into. It should include giving people space to try new ideas, while also giving them room to fail because failure ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-31


... Melania's Vision)的NFT水彩畫,呈現出梅拉尼婭的鈷藍色雙眼,出自法國藝術家庫隆(Marc-A ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月31日

油價升帶挈 8年首盈餘料1872億

... 穆罕默德提出的願景(Vision)2030計劃,而政府過剩的收入會先轉入到央行,再分配到兩家政府投資機構──國 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月14日

Grab借殼上市 股民盲炒輸錢

... (SoftBank Vision Fund)又是第一大股東,佔18.6%,由其控制之Uber持14.3%,中國 ...全文


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