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歐盟關注Twitter裁員 或影響其合規能力

...  Services Act)的能力。 歐盟官員向路透表示,雷恩代爾與Twitter代表在該公司歐洲總部會面,希 ...全文


Learning to punch above one’s weight

... donic detractors, the latter of whom would view your success as antithetical to their engrained identities: they want you to fail, they want you to trip up. The process will by no means be easy, espec ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-24

Sunak’s difficult balancing act in Sino-UK relations

... eadth of tactics Beijing used to redesign the international system and apply pressure to those challenging its perceived core interests posed a “different order of challenge” to the one posed by Mosco ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-21


... upporting act表演者由19歲的新晉女歌手Callista Clark獨攬大旗。女士說:「是的,她剛 ...全文


首富老闆入主 Twitter大換血

... ification Act),大型公司僱主大幅裁員需要60天通知期。打工仔依法爭取僱員權益,合情合理,且看美國 ...全文



... Reduction Act)中的電動車稅收抵免,可能會阻礙日本在美國的進一步投資。 ...全文


Who pays for climate change?

If there is one issue that has taken center stage at this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), it is money. Delegates, climate activists, and the rapidly increasing number of priva ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-18

Restoring some semblance of normalcy to Sino-America relations

There is a bitter irony to the fact that what could wel ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年11月18日

The EU’s trillion-euro question

... severe impact on member states, households, and industry, EU-wide solidarity mechanisms are needed. So far, such efforts have been lackluster. Germany’s much-criticized €200 billion ($201 billion) res ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-17

Climate change warning from new Jungle Book

...  This two-act work lasting for two hours, which has a lot of recorded dialogue spoken by actors, is a multi-media work with as much theatre as dance. In this new adaptation, the central character Mowg ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-16

Restoring some semblance of normalcy to Sino-America relations

There is a bitter irony to the fact that what could well have turned out to be the most pivotal partnership in the 21st century – the core pillars that would undergird the world’s response to existent ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-15

世界盃前反面 C朗起曼聯飛腳

... 索原句是Every act of creation is first an act of destructio ...全文



... (Suicide pact)。正如上述電影,這種協議雙方未必都能履行,於是帶來一死一存的遺憾收場。那可以是因為 ...全文



... revention Act),禁止從新疆進口太陽能產品,導致6月至今有逾千批價值數億美元的太陽能組件,積壓在美 ...全文



... able Care Act)(Obamacare)為數千萬從前未有保險的人,提供了健康保險。但是確保該法案的通 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2022年11月11日

The trilemma of central bank digital currencies

... such transactions, given recourse by the United States to financial sanctions. The hope is that CBDCs might provide a digital alternative. Strictly speaking, there is no obstacle to exchanging differe ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-11

【私銀觀】去全球化政經新局面 風險升溫

... 片法》(CHIPS Act),凸顯兩國在經濟上的對立風險已經進一步升溫。 事實上,美國《晶片法》延續了特朗普政 ...全文



... 獲得新冠工具加速器(ACT-A)是一項大規模的全球計劃,促進了全球的檢測、治療和疫苗接種。但很明顯,ACT-A ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2022年11月08日

The next global resource crisis

... Reduction Act includes big incentives for electric-vehicle manufacturers to source critical minerals from reliable partners. The United Kingdom has unveiled a “critical minerals strategy,” which inclu ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-04

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