一手住宅市況再升溫,兩大焦點新盤料本周末同步進行新一輪銷售,新地(00016)旗下大埔白石角新盤Silicon ...全文
新地(00016)旗下大埔白石角新盤Silicon Hill(大埔市地段第244號發展項目第1期)原價加推80 ...全文
新盤繼續賣樓,恒地(00012)大角咀利奧坊第4期利奧坊.壹隅,明日發售138個單位。 項目明日發售的138伙 ...全文
新地(00016)屯門兆康住宅項目命名為NOVO LAND,新地副董事總經理雷霆表示,NOVO LAND分6期 ...全文
At Our Hong Kong Foundation’s (OHKF’s) Healthcare Research Report Launch held in December 2021, Chief Executive (CE) Mrs Carrie Lam made it explicit that biotech research and development plays a pivot ...More
EJ Insight2022-02-09
One might still remember that Victor So Hing-woh, the current chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), served as chief executive of the Hong Kong Housing Society back in the '90s. During his ter ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-06