... 場,包括微軟推出自家Windows Phone,聯想則在兩年前斥29億美元收購Motorola,不過至今發展似 ...全文
... oundproof windows and doors for existing subway stations. The initiative was also strongly opposed by other stakeholders in the public transport industry, like bus, taxi and minibus operators. Unlike ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-23
... doors and windows must be locked and getting off cars is strictly forbidden. The park, which is the largest of its kind in China, also broadcasts warnings and safety rules through speakers throughout ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-25
... 端服務,抵消旗艦產品Windows(視窗)作業系統和手機業務表現呆滯的拖累。 股價一度升近7% 微軟第四財政季 ...全文
... 會計規則,新版視窗(Windows)作業系統的銷售額理應分階段入賬,視乎安裝視窗的裝置有多長壽命。視窗收入以往 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年07月21日
... of their windows to shake hands with neighbors in the adjoining public housing estates. The major concern is the new development will obstruct natural lighting and ventilation of surrounding building ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-20
Kwong Wah Hospital said a newborn baby girl fell from an incubator because a nurse forgot to close one of its windows. But the baby's parents, who are being assisted by legislator Frederick Fung Kin-k ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-20
... ,是否不會安裝美資的Windows 10和Android系統。 黃曉明劇集遭越南停播 另一方面,向來動輒制裁境 ...全文
微軟需要向美國加州一名女士賠償1萬美元(約7.8萬港元),原因是她的電腦被迫自動升級至Windows 10(視 ...全文
... e door or windows. Once air blowers are turned on for tactical ventilation, firefighters must simultaneously douse the fire, otherwise more oxygen will only let the flames get out of control. Thus, I ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-28
... o wiring, windows to doors, drainage to lighting. Some companies are not just limited to the local market. Door locks maker Stam is one of those. “Our locks are 100 percent Brazilian. We have the bigg ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-22
... e smaller windows into one large window. You may also consider removing security grates on windows (though not recommended if you have small children). 2. Eliminate dark corners Add lighting around th ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-22
... 的背光鍵盤,以及支援Windows Hello生物識別技術的紅外線鏡頭,用家只需露臉便可實現快速登錄。觸控板具 ...全文
... oth their Windows 10 PC and Xbox One console. – Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-14
... 能維持順暢安靜。採用Windows 10作業系統,是第一部搭載第六代Intel Core i5及i7系列處理器 ...全文