
共 1925 個結果
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Australia watchdog sues Samsung over 'misleading' phone ads

Australia's consumer watchdog has sued Samsung's Australian unit for allegedly misleading consumers by promoting water-resistant Galaxy smartphones as suitable to use in swimming pools and the surf, R ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

【消息】港府推第四批銀債 下周三起接受認購

政府宣布,推出第四批銀色債券。 第四批銀色債券的目標發行額30億元。債券年期3年,債券持有人將每6個月獲發一次 ...全文


China tells Britain to keep its 'colonial' hands off Hong Kong

China told Britain to keep its hands off Hong Kong while London called for Beijing to honor the agreements made when the city was handed over in 1997, escalating a diplomatic spat over the former Brit ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-04

EU leaders pick France's Lagarde for ECB top job

European Union leaders agreed on Tuesday to name France’s Christine Lagarde as the new head of the European Central Bank (ECB) and also sealed a deal on filling the EU’s other top four jobs, Reuters r ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-03

Trump-Kim surprise meeting created unprecedented trust: N Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump agreed at their meeting on Sunday to push forward dialogue for making a new breakthrough in the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02

Trump: China trade talks 'back on track'; new tariffs on hold

The United States and China agreed to restart trade talks after President Donald Trump offered concessions, including no new tariffs and an easing of restrictions on tech company Huawei in order to re ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02


財經事務及庫務局局長劉怡翔在網誌表示,政府和積金局正密鑼緊鼓地籌備建立「積金易」中央平台,將於周三(3日)向立 ...全文


【消息】David Webb籲取消MPF制度

近年愈來愈多人質疑強積金(MPF)恐無法滿足退休需要。早已有不少市場人士認為,要取消強積金制度,有「股壇長毛」 ...全文


Trump says China trade deal possible, tariffs could be lower

US President Donald Trump said a trade deal with Chinese President Xi Jinping was possible this weekend but he is prepared to impose US tariffs on virtually all remaining Chinese imports if the two co ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27

Facebook rejects break-up calls, prefers more regulation

Facebook dismissed calls for a break-up of the social network giant and other big internet firms on Monday, saying this would not tackle issues such as privacy, attempts to influence elections or harm ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-25

US prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions

The United States is looking for talks with Iran to help ease tensions in the Persian Gulf region, with President Donald Trump saying he is not seeking war with Tehran. “I’m not looking for war,” Trum ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-24

Trump plays down Iranian shooting of US drone

US President Donald Trump played down Iran’s downing of an American military surveillance drone on Thursday, saying he suspects it was shot by mistake, Reuters reports. “I think probably Iran made a m ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-21


今朝恒指開62點,報27289點;依家9點55分,喺港股開市後頭五分鐘最高做過27312點之後,個市就即掉頭下 ...全文


Alibaba proposes one-to-eight stock split ahead of HK listing

China’s Alibaba Group Holding has proposed a one-to-eight stock split ahead of a listing in Hong Kong later this year that is expected to raise up to US$20 billion, Reuters reports. The split, to be p ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-18

雖說界線 實應界面

連續幾期討論用地和管有的問題,指出空間與界線的關係,源頭還是來自「地界」這詞語,細看之下,問題其實可分為「地」 ...全文



強制性公積金計劃管理局年初設立的「投資解決方案實驗室」,鼓勵業界為打工仔開發累積財富及提取退休儲蓄(即退休前和 ...全文


中國自動化(00569) 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告 / 《收購守則》所指的要約公司刊發的公告 / 集團重組或協議安排...更多

中國自動化(00569) 聯合公告 (1)建議根據公司法第86條 由聯席要約方透過計劃安排 將中國自動化集團有 ...全文


中芯國際(00981) 更換董事或重要行政職能或職責的變更 / 更換薪酬委員會成員 / 未能符合薪酬委員會的規定 / 未能符合獨...更多

中芯國際(00981) 獨立非執行董事退任及撤回股東週年大會第2(d)項普通決議案 (151KB, PDF) ...全文


Over 600 US firms urge Trump to resolve trade dispute with China

Walmart, Target and more than 600 other companies have urged US President Donald Trump to resolve the trade dispute with China, saying tariffs hurt American businesses and consumers, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-14

Brexit supporter Johnson far ahead in race to replace British PM

Boris Johnson, who has pledged to deliver Brexit on Oct. 31, surged closer to power, winning by far the most support from Conservative lawmakers in the first round of the contest to replace Prime Mini ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-14

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