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波音出貨創新高 連續四年勝空巴

在全球經濟放緩之際,波音(Boeing)周四宣布,去年其飛機發貨量勝過預期,創下歷史新高。 波音宣布,其去年飛 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月09日

2015: A bumpy ride for Sino-US relations

... deal with Boeing to buy a whopping 300 commercial airliners for US$38 billion and reaching an agreement with President Obama over curbing cyber-espionage, Xi’s visit didn’t achieve much tangible resul ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-04

飛機租賃 愛爾蘭領軍

... 美國飛機製造商波音(Boeing)則預期,航空業未來20年將須添置3.8萬架新飛機。 現在說說壞消息:再沒有愛 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年12月29日

訂單強勁 空巴波音看俏

... 中,該公司才向波音(Boeing)訂購總值100億美元飛機,為旗下機隊添置110架飛機。巴西Embraer眼見 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年12月28日

Why Beijing can’t vent its spleen on US after bomber flyover

... d several Boeing-made laser and electromagnetic (non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse) weapons to be installed on fighter jets that can render the entire power grid and all electronic targets dysfunction ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-22


... n的傑作;後二者都是Boeing的新發明。 筆者不是軍事迷,更稱不上武器專家,不能估計這批換代新武器對東亞軍力 ...全文


OK, who forgot their planes? Airport posts ad to find owners

...  of three Boeing 747-200F planes to come and collect them. The planes are parked at three separate bays at KLIA in Sepang, outside the Malaysian capital, the Star newspaper ad showed. “If you fail to ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-09

Who wants to run an airline?

... uopoly of Boeing and Airbus, and planes are thus sold with a fat markup. Virgin Atlantic founder Richard Branson once shared his secret about how to become a millionaire: start with a billion dollars ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-02

US: China to take tougher stance against trade secret theft

... Motorola, Boeing and Cargill. Xi and US President Barack Obama agreed in September that neither government would knowingly support cybertheft of corporate secrets to support domestic businesses, but U ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-24

EasyJet心雄 適時擴充

... 根據飛機生產商波音(Boeing)及空中巴士(Airbus)的預測,未來20年約5400架單通道客機將陸續交付 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年11月19日

Joseph Lau and the gift that keeps on giving

... yers of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner jet for private use. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving. -- Contact us at [email protected] BK/JP/RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12

Boeing bags major order from India's Jet Airways

India's Jet Airways on Monday confirmed an order for 75 Boeing 737 planes, in a deal worth about US$8.25 billion at list price. The order, previously listed on Boeing's books under an undisclosed clie ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

Dubai Airshow opens amid drop in new jetliner orders

...  he said. Boeing said on Saturday it remained confident about long-term jetliner demand, particularly in the Middle East which is expected to need more than 3,000 jets in 20 years. Etihad Airways may ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-09

Why we miss the good old days of Cathay

... e beloved Boeing 747-400 jetliners, the hump-backed, two-deck icon of yesteryears endearingly called the Queen of the Skies. Cathay currently has only three such planes left in service and it will bid ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-05

Pentagon chief to visit US warship in South China Sea

... n board a Boeing P-8 surveillance plane as it carried out a seven-hour flight over the South China Sea. Swift said his flight was routine, but it drew a stern rebuke from China, which said such activi ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-05

國產大飛機 莫再讓速度吃掉安全

... irbus)和波音(Boeing)形成ABC並立格局。如此說來,國產大飛機的野心不可謂不宏大。 撇開C919並 ...全文


China rolls out first homegrown large airliner

... irbus and Boeing in the global commercial aviation market, CNN reported. The new plane -- a twin-engine, narrow-body aircraft seating up to 174 people -- is similar in size to the Airbus 320 and Boein ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-03

US$8 bln Eva Air deal gives stretched Boeing 787 a boost

Boeing Co.’s stretched version of the 787 Dreamliner, the sales of which have slowed since its 2013 unveiling, is getting a boost from a deal valued at more than US$8 billion by Taiwan’s Eva Airways C ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-16

Why Europe is skeptical about the TTIP

...  example, Boeing Co. and Airbus SAS have long regarded each other as arch-rivals in the international market for commercial planes. The EU is deeply concerned that the massive US intelligence surveill ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-15

Cathay avoids flying over Iran after missile warning

...  that the Boeing 777 was brought down by a Russian-made BUK missile.   -- Contact us at [email protected] RA/RC ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-15

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