
共 715 個結果
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Fed likely to keep rates steady

The US Federal Reserve is expected to keep interest rates unchanged in its first policy decision since President Donald Trump took office as the central bank awaits greater clarity on his economic pol ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-01

耶倫預告頻密加息 美元彈
歐貨幣政策維持極寬鬆 背馳加劇

美歐央行首腦先後開腔,突顯兩地貨幣政策背道而馳。美國聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)預期,美國未來3 ...全文


Janet Yellen: It makes sense to gradually raise interest rates

With the US economy close to full employment and inflation headed toward the Federal Reserve's 2 percent goal, it "makes sense" for the US central bank to gradually lift interest rates, Reuters report ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-19


中美領袖本周分別發表重要演說, 勢成市場焦點。國家主席習近平首度亮相達沃斯世界經濟論壇(WEF),投資者關注他 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2017年01月16日


聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)周四與一些教育工作者進行網上對話時表示,美國經濟表現良好,短期內沒有 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年01月14日

特朗普掌權 危機並存

每到年始年末,總有很多財金專家喜歡拿出自己的水晶球來,預測一下未來一年的金融經濟走向,尤其是2016年發生了那 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2017年01月05日

A review of 2016 forecasts

I made 10 forecasts for major trends in the financial market in 2016, let's take a look at how accurate these are. 1. Strong dollar (right). After hovering in the range of 94 to 98 most of the time, t ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-29

Resolving housing shortage the top priority for next CE

The US Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate by 0.25 percent last week, and its chairwoman Janet Yellen implied that the market should expect three more rate increases next year. Even tho ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-22

儲局恍如一齣戲 狂人上台高潮起

As the World Turns(隨着世界轉變)是美國第二最長壽的肥皂劇,收視率甚高,但筆者承認在它播出的 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2016年12月22日

Rate hike expectations lift dollar, hit gold prices

Gold and foreign exchange markets both revolve around a major trading theme these days -- expectations of a faster pace of US rate hikes next year. Janet Yellen's upbeat remarks on the job market have ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-21

Wall Street hits record highs on Trump optimism

The Dow and Nasdaq Composite rose to record highs in a rally fueled by optimism about US President-elect Donald Trump's policies. The Dow Jones industrial average on Tuesday ended just 25 points shy o ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-21

聖誕升市效應 道指蓄勢破二萬

美股本周在聖誕升市效應下可望更上一層樓,投資者憧憬道指衝擊2萬點,加上年末粉飾櫥窗活動預料將繼續支持大市向上。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2016年12月19日

Fed hikes rates; signals faster tightening pace

The US Federal Reserve on Wednesday announced a quarter-percentage point hike in its benchmark interest rate, citing an improved labor market, firming inflation and better economic growth. The move, w ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-15

儲局加息0.25% 明年料加息3次

聯邦儲備局周三議息後公布,一如市場預期,提高現時基準利率0.25%,由0.25至0.5%升為0.5至0.75% ...全文


美新職17.8萬勝預期 加息亮綠燈

美國聯儲局本月議息會議前最後一項重要數據出爐,美國非農業職位在11月增幅勝過預期,失業率跌至9年低位, 但連升 ...全文


「高盛幫」華麗回朝 中國或列貨幣操控名單

美國候任總統特朗普昨天宣布兩大財金官員提名人選,由高盛前銀行家姆奇(Steven Mnuchin)擔任財長,億 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global政權移交2016年12月01日

Shenzhen HK stock link story getting better as yuan weakens

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen said Donald Trump’s victory won't change the plan for a rate increase “relatively soon,” sending the US dollar index higher and putting further downward pressure on ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-22

China may resort to yuan float if capital controls fail

A strong US dollar strength and rising US interest rates under President-elect Donald Trump would intensify pressure on capital outflows from China, forcing its policymakers to choose between tighteni ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-22

Yellen: Fed may raise rates 'relatively soon'

The United States Federal Reserve could raise interest rates relatively soon, given the encouraging employment and inflation data, the central bank's chief said on Thursday. The results of the US pres ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-18

全球大跌眼鏡 未來更難看清

特朗普在9月曾經高呼,股票估值是人為造出來的,基本上已經是一個「泡沫」。在周二晚,他成功入主白宮,不但令全世界 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年11月11日

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