... 同系啟德OASIS KAI TAK亦調高26伙價格,加幅約2%,並推出10伙於同日以先到先得形式揀樓,揀樓地點 ...全文
... 龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK昨天亦更新價單調高26伙售價,加幅2.7%至7.1%,先推10伙發售,並夥拍 ...全文
As artificial intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly coming of age and is being applied to an increasing number of industries and sectors, it has given rise to new forms of economic activities and mo ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-28
九龍東啟德地王效應持續帶動新盤銷情,市民已進入瘋搶新盤的階段。會德豐地產旗下啟德OASIS KAI TAK(下 ...全文
... y old. Ho Kai-ming, a lawmaker representing the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, said on Tuesday that the measures should include requiring lift operators to submit an annual inspection report an ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-23
... 展的啟德OASIS KAI TAK,則在啟德地王誕生的第三天(18日)率先搶閘推出50伙,而且推售短短1.5小 ...全文
... 地產啟德OASIS KAI TAK、屯門御半山及晉海II,均取得賣完或近沽清成績。過去周末新世界(00017) ...全文
... 龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK周日上午11時推出1伙,為低座B座2至3樓A單位,實用面積1470方呎,附4 ...全文
九龍東啟德發展區住宅地皮登上賣地表最貴地王寶座,會德豐地產位於同區的OASIS KAI TAK(下稱OASIS ...全文
會德豐地產旗下位於啟德的GRAND OASIS KAI TAK今天發售共50伙,於開售後約1.5小時已全數沽清 ...全文
Research has indicated that the golden treatment period for autism is between age 0 to age 6, because the development of cognitive, coordinative, sensory and social skills in children within that age ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-18
Over the weekend, all available flats in Mount Regency, a residential project being developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties in Tuen Mun, were snapped up. Most of the buyers were investing in real-estate ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-16
... Sun Hung Kai properties in Sha Tin, will open a theater facility called Movie Town that will provide more than 1,700 seats in seven houses. Apple Daily notes that it will be the largest cinema facili ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-15