正潛逃外地的內地富商郭文貴早前又爆大鑊,聲稱SOHO中國(00410)董事長潘石屹早年參與「摩根中心」(現為北 ...全文
... 小型內房股股價表現,SOHO中國(00410)、龍湖地產(00960)、遠洋集團(03377)、中國海外(00 ...全文
HSBC recently rented more than 300 desks in a co-working space in Causeway Bay for its digital and transformation team. The facility, which is located in Tower 535 in Jaffe Road, is operated by WeWork ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-26
... 創預告盈利暴跌九成 SOHO中國(00410)首席執行官張欣透露,由於資金充裕,故提前償還14.2億美元外幣債 ...全文
... 8%,報2.35元;SOHO中國(00410)亦升4.82%,報4.13元。沿海家園(01124)出售其天津項 ...全文
The shift by SOHO China Ltd. (00410.HK) in its business model to a rental-oriented one from a sales-oriented one has resulted in a surge in gross profit margin, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-09
Beijing recently issued its first pollution "red alert" as heavy smog shrouded the capital city. The index for PM2.5 or airborne particles hit nearly 300 micrograms per cubic meter. Local schools we ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-14
Who is the largest shareholder of China Vanke Co. Ltd (02202.HK)? Hint: It's not founder and chairman Wang Shi. He holds less than 0.1 percent of the company. China Resources Group has been the larg ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-26
The 1972 book "Limits to Growth" warned that our civilization would probably collapse sometime this century. Some people have said that even 2015 could mark the beginning of the end of development. Th ...More
EJ Insight2015-01-29
Tesla Motors is facing a backlash from angry Chinese customers due to shipment delays and slow progress in building charging facilities outside the big metros, China Economic Weekly reported. Angry at ...More
EJ Insight2014-07-08