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... 。   ❹個股分析 大新金融(00440)周五收報39.6元,逆市升0.6元(1.5%),成交金額3222萬元 ...全文


探討壽險策略 大新銀行受益

大新金融(00440)及大新銀行(02356)自願聯合公布,雙方正各自就大新人壽保險業務及人壽保險產品銷售策略 ...全文



大新集團日前公布,正就其人壽保險業務的策略方案進行探討,市場盛傳大新金融(00440)擬把旗下的大新人壽出售, ...全文



... 」靠消息跑贏 不過,大新金融(00440)及大新銀行(02356)正就人壽保險業務策略進行探討,知情人士估計, ...全文



大新金融(00440)及大新銀行(02356)昨晚發出聯合公告,兩間公司正各自探討大新人壽保險以及大新銀行人壽 ...全文



... 億元購入爪哇旗下灣仔大新金融中心。   ❽市場觀點 世界銀行調低全球今年經濟增長預測,由3.3%降至2.9% ...全文


續傳售大新金融中心 爪哇逆市飆升

... 月已否認出售旗下灣仔大新金融中心,但日前再有市場消息稱,亞投行擬斥資95億元購入該址作總部,而且獲香港政府協助 ...全文



由爪哇控股(00251)持有的灣仔大新金融中心,獲洽購消息自去年11月中開始滿天飛,昨天更傳出兩個驚人版本,包 ...全文



由爪哇控股(00251)持有的灣仔大新金融中心早前盛傳獲約100億元洽購,並已為業主否認,但有關出售的消息仍滿 ...全文


China government bond sale in Hong Kong seen oversubscribed

China's two-year government bonds worth 2 billion yuan (US$308.9 million) are expected to be oversubscribed amid strong demand. BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd. (02388.HK) said the total subscription amo ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-15

Cost of raising a child in Hong Kong: HK$7 million

How much does it cost to raise a child in Hong Kong? A recent survey commissioned by Dah Sing Bank found that Hong Kong parents need at least HK$2.8 million to bring up a child, and spend as much as H ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-10

HKMA orders 7 banks to stop issuing contactless credit cards

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has ordered seven banks to stop issuing credit cards with contactless payment function after security loopholes were found in their systems. The banks were also ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-14

HKT launches foray into mobile payment market

HKT Trust & HKT Ltd. (06823.HK), which provides telecommunications and related services, is making a play for the mobile payment market. The company has established a new unit, HKT Payment Ltd., t ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-28

Tame inflation likely to suppress iBond5 gains

The fifth batch of the government's inflation-linked bonds, better known as iBond5 (04228.HK), is likely to see a weaker price growth than the previous edition because of Hong Kong's tame inflation, e ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-22

HK banks may need new capital for China loans, local mortgages

Hong Kong banks may need new capital to cope with home-loan risks in the city and rising bad debts in China. Along with a probable US interest rate increase, these factors might put extra pressure on ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-05

Banks compete for RMB deposits amid Stock Connect

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd., BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. (02388.HK) and Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd. (02356.HK) are among the lenders redrawing interest rates and rolling out new investmen ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-14

Brokers, banks gear up for Stock Connect scheme

With the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect set to be launched in about a month, securities firms and banks are raising funds and offering low commission fees to pull in investors. Bright Smart Securiti ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-08

Large fund managers cool to Asian hybrid bonds, WSJ says

Asian banks are selling new and complex types of hybrid bonds to bolster their cash buffers but large funds are keeping their distance because of concerns over the safety of the securities, the Wall S ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-23

Banking minnows starting to look like big fish

Talk about a shortcut to a custom banking market. All it needs is a hook-up with a family-owned Hong Kong lender and one is halfway through. Better still, buying it completes the foray. That is one bi ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-14

HSI continues decline amid rate concerns

Hong Kong shares continued their decline for the fourth straight day on Thursday as investors worried over rising interbank rates. Despite news that manufacturing activity in the mainland is improving ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-24

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