
共 525 個結果
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China-HK football match: A clash of posters

Months before the start of their qualifier game for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the battle between the Chinese and Hong Kong teams is already raging – in the promotional posters for the matches. The Chin ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-10

CFA sees surge in mainland exam takers

The number of mainland Chinese candidates in this year's certified financial analyst (CFA) tests is up sharply this year amid rapid developments in China's capital markets, the Hong Kong Economic Jour ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-01

Bonds in a bubble, global fund managers warn

Global fund managers are warning of a bubble in the bond markets as valuations of several instruments are seen stretched, Financial Times reported. In a survey conducted by CFA UK, four out of five fu ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-23

Political instability seen as biggest risk to Hong Kong market

Political instability is seen by investment professionals as the biggest risk to the local market as tensions over electoral reform persist after the Occupy protests. According to the CFA Institute's ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-05

Emerging market debt: An overlooked source of alpha?

After the global financial crisis, emerging market debt was a rising star. Yet, since last fall these markets had steadily lost ground. Now that these markets appear to have stabilized in recent month ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-06

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