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把握黃金發展期 提升幼兒語文能力

... lion Word Gap)來總結家庭背景對孩子語言發展的影響。美國學者透過一個為期3年,以0至3歲嬰幼兒為研 ...全文


Google takes a relook at its hardware business

... ices. The gap between Amazon Echo and Google Home is huge, but it is interesting to note that the Google device is said to have added more new users last year than the Amazon offering. According to a ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-14


... :股價大幅跳空下跌(gap down),為凶險之象;如伴隨交易量暴增,更是不可不防,應手起刀落,絕不留戀。 1 ...全文


Hong Kong transport industry struggles with labor shortage

...  that the gap between supply and demand of drivers in the city’s public transport system is about 10 to 20 percent. Some vehicles are left idle because there are not enough drivers, Yick said. In an e ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-07

Mi 9 shortage may prompt Xiaomi fans to turn to Vivo's iQOO

... arrow its gap with major rivals such as Samsung, Apple and Huawei. One of Xiaomi's pain points, for example, is camera quality. While the Mi 9 got a high score in the DxO mobile camera test, it is far ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-05

Pan-dems urge public opposition to revision of extradition law

... ll open a gap in the city's judicial system. Authorities are seeking to make changes to the law after Taiwan prosecutors sought a Hong Kong youngster accused in a murder case that happened on the isla ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-04

道指曾輕微倒跌 標指納指升幅收窄

... 方面,服裝零售業巨頭Gap宣布將拆分為兩家上市公司,並關閉大約200家店舖,股價大升超過24%。特斯拉(Tes ...全文


Gap分拆Old Navy 股價飆20%
230專賣店兩年內結業 增開支拓新產品

美國時裝公司Gap計劃大舉重組業務,準備把表現較好的Old Navy品牌分拆上市,並關閉約230家陷入困境的G ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月02日

製造業數據差 美股升幅收窄

... 方面,服裝零售業巨頭Gap宣布將拆分為兩家上市公司,並關閉大約200家店舖,股價大升19%。特斯拉(Tesla ...全文


Gap分拆Old Navy 股價升逾20%

美國最大服裝連鎖集團Gap公布,將公司一拆為二,其中Old Navy品牌獨立上市,集團其餘品牌Gap、Athl ...全文


At MWC, a reminder that some old brands still in the mobile race

... hree 12 megapixel lenses — a 26mm wide lens (with OIS), a 52mm telephoto lens (also with OIS), and a 16mm super wide lens. The company has also put in some Sony Alpha technology into Xperia 1 includin ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-26

Will Huawei Mate X outshine Samsung Galaxy Fold?

... s a small gap there. Huawei said it has been working on the fold screen for three years and that inside the hinge there are many components. The gap-free foldable screen shows Huawei outperforming Sam ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-25

美股焦點:中美貿談關鍵 鮑威爾國會作證

... 、JCPenney與Gap;周五有Foot Locker。其他藍籌也有惠普、戴爾科技、金寶湯等。 第五,歐羅區 ...全文



...  mind the gap!「我們需要改變的是文化,上屆世界盃平均觀眾人次達到250萬,預期今屆法國舉行,數字 ...全文


Why Apple needs to enhance its Siri voice tool

... arrow the gap with the two main rivals in the market. Siri has failed to satisfy users as it has not kept up with improvements made by its competitors. Some users have even labeled Apple's voice tool ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-19

How China private investment giant CMIG got mired in debt crisis

... ly a stop-gap measure. It’s estimated that the company has an outstanding debt of over 200 billion yuan, of which more than 50 billion will be due this year. CMIG only reported a revenue of 24.7 billi ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-18


... 口」(skills gap)問題,在金融科技及網絡安全(64%)和監管及合規(37%)領域,情況尤其明顯。儘管 ...全文


It's not just new homes, HK also needs more hospital beds

... estimated gap hasn’t taken into account the projected additional growth in the demand for public healthcare service as a result of the aging population. In other words, even if we manage to close that ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-15

Identity crisis is the root of an unhappy Hong Kong

... to 26. Singapore was ranked 34. A Gallup International poll last year also found Hong Kong to be the 7th unhappiest place in the world. Why are Hong Kong people so unhappy when there is no abject pove ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-14

Identity crisis is the root of an unhappy Hong Kong

... to 26. Singapore was ranked 34. A Gallup International ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2019年02月14日

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