A widely reported political turbulence, concerns over the Zika virus, the end of Brazil’s multi-year government-led building projects (related to World Cup 2014 and Olympics 2016) might have projected ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-22
... o-getting spirit, righteousness, resourcefulness, endurance and mental toughness that define Hong Kong people. He has not only set a good example to citizens in Hong Kong who are in their 50s or 60s l ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-22
... aftsman's spirit, Japanese spirit combined with western learning, and family spirit are key elements of family culture succession. Succession should start with values, since values and success factors ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-10
... thinking spirit -- the spirit of not letting others stop you from pursuing your dream, even though you may not seem to have the right qualifications. "No matter what people or the society tells you w ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-18
... e Olympic spirit and values," Mutko said. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC/RA ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-16
... are free-spirited who are always ready to try out new things, he says. Second, they are resourceful, working out their own solutions. The lads are ingenious, never ceasing to amaze you, Yuen exclaims ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-13
... logy. The spirit of the common law, as distinguished American legal scholar Roscoe Pound had it, “is characterized by an extreme individualism ... unlimited valuation of individual liberty and respect ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-12
... g used to spirit cash offshore. In December, for example, the gap between mainland imports from Hong Kong and Hong Kong's exports to the mainland -- a rough indicator of capital flowing through trade ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-05
... “Chinese spirit”. Being able to win the sympathy and support of this large group of Americans would be a great boost to Chinese influence in the US. About 100,000 Chinese babies have been adopted by ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-03
英國葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金機構(Wine & Spirit Education Trust,簡稱WSET ...全文
... orce, the spirit and the courage to fight this whole process to the end," Rousseff said. "This is just the beginning of the battle, which will be long and drawn out." In a raucous vote late on Sunday, ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-19
... races the spirit of the Belt and Road Initiative, and "reawakens the diversity of culture, language, and art". The curator's efforts fail on all counts. [Go to Sothebys.com] -- Contact us at english@h ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-15
... gy of the Spirit中,更提出這種國家現代性(state modernity)是人類體現自尊的悠長 ...全文
... ainst the spirit of reconciliation that Suu Kyi says she is seeking to foster. Myint Swe served the junta as head of the feared military intelligence and is on the US sanctions list. The third candida ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-15
... Hong Kong Spirit,打不死!」岩井認真地說。 大地震後,他除了關心社會,並延續其創作,花了4年時 ...全文
... fighting spirit that he was able to play so brilliantly today after three defeats," Hassabis said. Go, most popular in countries such as China, South Korea and Japan, involves two contestants moving ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-14
... ft up the spirit of students who may be facing difficulties, our Education Bureau is playing deaf and blind. What makes me angry is that when asked about the issue, Secretary for Education Eddie Ng Ha ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-11
... erprising spirit. But after 1997, Hong Kong economy no longer depended on the industry, skills and talents of Hong Kong people. They have become mere cogs and wheels in China's grand design as a world ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-07