安徽皖通高速公路(00995) 進一步延遲寄發通函 (86KB, PDF) ...全文
安徽皖通高速公路(00995) 延遲寄發通函 (222KB, PDF) ...全文
安徽皖通高速公路(00995) 補充公告 - 須予披露的交易及關連交易: 寧宣杭公司債務轉增資本公積金協議 ( ...全文
安徽皖通高速公路(00995)近日表現跑贏恒指,並已先後升逾成交量密集區頂部及9月高位,上方蟹貨少,料可反覆走 ...全文
港股投資氣氛未見改善,資金轉戰防守股,公路股具備穩定現金流,在波動市中擁有防守能力,其中較可取的是江蘇寧滬高速 ...全文
The Hong Kong and mainland equity markets have seen little excitement before the Lunar New Year holidays. Investors should adopt a strategy that is both defensive and offensive to outperform the bench ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-02
Anhui Expressway Co. Ltd. (00995.HK, 600012.CN) said on Monday that its executive director Li Jiezhi is under investigation by a regulatory body for unspecified reasons. It said the investigation will ...More
EJ Insight2013-11-19