China’s digital economy is a force to be reckoned with. The country now accounts for 42 percent of global e-commerce, boasts one-third of the world’s most successful tech startups, and conducts 11 tim ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-27
... 變走回來中國,再分拆神州數碼系,打造出郭為。今天的吳興,若九子者能成功走出去,又可打造多少個傳志各維(郭為)? ...全文
... 多元化。8月,長飛與神州數碼正式簽約合作,將提升長飛公司在企業網市場上的品牌影響力,有助於爲更多的金融、互聯網 ...全文
A security staff at Hong Kong airport has been fired after an incident involving Hong Kong singing sensation Celine Tam Tsz-kwan and her family. The incident occurred on Monday when Tam's family left ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-16
... 港通」入貨,成為港股神州數碼第一大股東),近日則發生另一場戰役,圍繞山東省民企中國宏橋(01378),引發第一 ...全文
近年,隨着移動互聯網、物聯網、雲計算及大數據等新技術的發展,軟件產業作為資訊產業核心及國家戰略性產業,對經濟結 ...全文
The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program marks a milestone in China's efforts to open up its financial markets. It is interesting to note that Beijing chose to make an announcement before the G20 ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-25
剛過去的一周,新聞頭條及大眾關注熱點終於從內地明星王寶強離婚事件轉到「深港通」宣布開通,以及中國女排在里約奧運 ...全文
Last week we had reports that Digital China Holdings (00861.HK), a former unit of Lenovo Holdings (03396.HK), may have been targeted by Shenzhen-listed CRG Banking Equipment (002152.CN) for a hostile ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-31
The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has disappointed many observers as the trading volumes generated by the cross-border bourse link have fallen short of expectations. Right now, the program is comin ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-26
... 股(00861,前稱神州數碼)。 A股國企「螞蟻式」買神州控股 先略述神州控股的背景,前身為聯想控股(0339 ...全文
... 增加買港股。近期也見神州數碼(00861)獲A股上市公司廣電運通經「港股通」舉牌成大股東,A股與H股的估值差距 ...全文