... 招金(01818)及靈寶黃金(03330)挫近4%。不過,大市沽空率升至11.3%的6周高位,主要是新地及新世 ...全文
... 02元,漲升近4%;靈寶黃金(03330)飆近一成,至2.08元;招金礦業(01818)上漲逾3%,收報9.6 ...全文
... 資金近期追捧金礦股,靈寶黃金(03330)連升5日累漲24.2%。 美聯物業及中原地產之數據分別顯示過去周末十 ...全文
... 成四,至2.85元;靈寶黃金(03330)大升近9%,收報1.89元;紫金礦業(02899)A股停牌,涉非公開 ...全文
... 股則進一步逆市造好,靈寶黃金(03330)漲5.3%。長和系個別發展,在英國收入較多的長和(00001)、長建 ...全文
Zhaojin Mining Industry (01818.HK) climbed 6.5 percent Friday and closed the week with a gain of nearly 20 percent as Hong Kong stocks rose in relatively flat trading. Other gold miners had a similarl ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-14
Hong Kong stocks surged Tuesday, following gains in mainland indices, as spot gold rose a fifth straight day to a record US$1,287.81 an ounce. The Hang Sang Index added 1.78 percent to 21,962 points. ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-11
Lingbao Gold Co. Ltd. (03330.HK) said it may post a substantial loss for the nine months to September compared with a profit in the previous year, according to a regulatory filing Tuesday. The project ...More
EJ Insight2013-10-16
A congressional standoff over budget issues has led to a partial shutdown of the US government for the first time in 17 years, but the news failed to boost gold prices as investors are betting that th ...More
EJ Insight2013-10-02