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中央打保電戰 「缺電股」或有救

... ath & Beyond周四公布截至8月底的季績,營收及盈利均遠低於預期,該公司指出新冠疫情再起,打擊 ...全文


Bed Bath & Beyond季績遜預期

美國家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond次季由盈轉虧,業績表現顯著較預期差,反映供應鏈樽頸 ...全文


Markets agree with Powell but only up to a point

... ectations beyond that date actually decreased. The market continues to be at odds with the Fed’s estimated policy rate trajectory beyond 2023, implying that investors expect the US economy to be far l ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-30


... 越石油和天然氣聯盟(Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance)等新倡議可以作為論壇,建立氣候領導 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年09月29日

The promise of green hydrogen

... bjectives beyond decarbonization. For example, hydrogen’s ability to substitute for natural gas in many applications allows for a degree of energy independence and reduced reliance on liquefied natura ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-28

The right war for the US and China

... tial. So, beyond drastic emissions reduction, the fight against climate change will require comprehensive strategies that include prevention, preparedness, cooperation, and coordination on an unpreced ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-27

New business models for a new future

... ort to go beyond pure financial metrics and GDP. More than $30 trillion of assets worldwide now meet some level of environmental, social, and governance criteria, representing an increase of more than ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-21

中大研究成果屢創佳績 創新創業不遺餘力

... tents and Beyond)為主題。當日有機械人和人工智能的應用等項目展出,涵蓋社會科學、醫學和工程學等 ...全文


The case for a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty

... ch as the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance can serve as forums that establish a new norm of climate leadership and create political space to advance discussions among first movers and vulnerable countries. ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-20

Will the BRICS ever grow up?

... 5 years.” Beyond creating the BRICS Bank, now known as the New Development Bank, it is difficult to see what the group has done other than meet annually. Following the bloc’s rather dismal second deca ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-17


獲風險創投公司海闊天空創投(Beyond Ventures)支持的投資公司Prenetics宣布,將與納斯特上 ...全文


The Case against Public Intellectuals

... as spread beyond the realm of the gastronomic. And what ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年09月16日

The case against public intellectuals

... as spread beyond the realm of the gastronomic. And what’s there to lament? What’s there to dislike? After all, surely, information is birthed only for us to consume at our own pleasure; facts are but ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-15

This SDR allocation must be different

... ars to be beyond its capacity. There are two better alternatives. First, the IMF’s shareholders could agree to create a dedicated COVID-19 trust. Conditionality attached to its loans would be limited ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-15

Closing the nature-finance gap

... r efforts beyond their borders when they can. These policy reforms and their associated budgets will need to include specific allocations for indigenous and local communities that contribute to the co ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-14

On Shang-Chi

... fortitude beyond her years (and her portrayed character ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年09月11日

On Shang-Chi

... fortitude beyond her years (and her portrayed character’s years), with a spectacularly complex and rich affection for her family. Tony Leung’s rigorous character-acting – blended with his enigmatic ch ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-09

Prosecuting ecocide

... extending beyond a limited area, crossing state boundaries, or affecting an entire ecosystem or large number of people), or long-term (irreversible or irremediable through natural recovery within a re ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-03

Why the stagflation threat is real

...  persists beyond this year? It is worth noting that various measures of inflation are not just well above target but also increasingly persistent. For example, in the US, core inflation, which strips ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-03

Will Biden make a historic mistake at the Fed?

...  thing is beyond me. Powell’s views on financial regulation and macroeconomic management are not even remotely aligned with those of the Democratic near-consensus. Though he has spent the past four ye ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-02

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