... 大加密貨幣交易所之一Coinbase的董事會。 馬克斯上月表示,自2012年以來,一直在與加密貨幣打交道,並為 ...全文
最近一周升逾一倍的虛擬貨幣瑞波幣(Ripple),周四曾急挫兩成,因為虛擬貨幣交易平台Coinbase表示,短 ...全文
... 。 消息公開後,根據Coinbase平台資料,比特幣升逾13.5%至15017美元。 蒂爾是PayPal聯合創 ...全文
... 衝突的指控。交易平台Coinbase顯示,去年12月20日,萊特幣價格為每枚3.67美元,一年後價格已漲至31 ...全文
... 。 在美國,交易平台Coinbase宣布推出支援一種比特幣分支「比特幣現金」(Bitcoin Cash)的交易 ...全文
... 全球最受歡迎交易平台Coinbase新增戶口同步激增,老畢看過的最新數字為1300萬個(現在也許遠不止此),新 ...全文
... wallets, Coinbase, went down under the weight of traffic, leaving many of its more than 10 million customers unable to access their funds, Reuters reports. At the same time, Bitfinex, the world's big ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-14
... operators Coinbase and Bitfinex reported problems with service through their websites on Tuesday, frustrating traders seeking to cash in on the latest surge in the value of bitcoin and other cryptocur ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-13
... 幣周四氣勢如虹,其中Coinbase交易平台的價格在香港時間周四深夜至周五凌晨的90分鐘內,由16000美元升 ...全文
... sday left Coinbase, the largest US exchange, warning of outages and slow transactions. Coinbase added at least 300,000 users since just before the Thanksgiving holiday. The company had 13.3 million us ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-08
... 美國最大比特幣交易所Coinbase 近期曾見一天錄得10 萬人開設比特幣賬戶,更是令人驚嘆。有見及此,虛擬貨 ...全文
... 000美元,不過只有Coinbase平台的報價超越19000美元,且及後極速回落至16000美元水平。而Coi ...全文
... exchange Coinbase in 2015. Still, Sprecher said he was not ready to move forward yet on futures contracts based on the type of assets Coinbase trades. "I don’t know what to make of cryptocurrencies," ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-06
Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase lost a bid to block the Internal Revenue Service from seeing the trading records of its customers as part of a tax-avoidance probe, TechCrunch reports. A San Francisco ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-30
... 據報美國最大交易平台Coinbase的比特幣賬戶過去一年激增兩倍,達1300萬。單此數目,大型券商嘉信理財(C ...全文
... 國最大比特幣交易平台Coinbase的比特幣賬戶過去一年增長近兩倍,達1300萬人。 ...全文
比特幣勢頭仍然有增無減。美國最大比特幣交易平台Coinbase在感恩節一天內新增超過10萬名用戶,總用戶人數已 ...全文
Bitcoin has been surging recently, topping US$5,700. Following the fad, US trading platform Coinbase rolled out real-time trading, which allows users holding American bank accounts to buy real-time Bi ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-17
... 幣熱潮,美國交易平台Coinbase開放即時交易功能,讓擁有美國銀行賬戶的用戶購買比特幣、以太幣(Ethere ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月17日