
共 845 個結果
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Housing: The big lie

... mediately switch priorities in the allocation of land away from the developers. One consequence of shifting land allocation priorities will be to increase prices in the private sector, which will be g ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-27

Why China's baby boom may not last long

... ce but to switch to the other extreme—the imposition of rigid one-child policy regime. Many pregnant women saw themselves being forced into abortions. The birth rate quickly fell off the cliff. Sensin ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-25

放假Switch off 最拿手jam歌

... 處去,稱假日一定要「Switch off」(關掉與工作的聯繫),周一才可充滿力量地回到工作崗位。 動靜皆宜的他 ...全文


How Mars is shifting its focus from candy to pets

... consumers switch to a healthier diet. It’s estimated that the top 10 chocolate brands’ unit sales dropped by 2.3 percent to 6.6 billion for the 52 weeks to August 7, 2016 from the previous year. US ch ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-19

Switch售2340元 被批過高

任天堂周五公布,新一代遊戲機Switch於3月3日全球開售,香港售價2340港元,定價超出預期,讓投資者失望。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年01月14日

Woo Kwok-hing could be a good Plan B for pan-democrats

... democrats switch their support to retired judge Woo Kwok-hing? Perhaps it is time for the pan-democrats to think about that. As I said in an article three weeks ago, Woo could be a long shot in the ra ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-11

Sectors to keep an eye on in China markets

... ay opt to switch to equities as the government tries to curb property speculation. Cross-border stock trading links with Hong Kong, meanwhile, will help bring in some money from international investor ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-09

Is it good for China to strip Taiwan of its diplomatic allies?

... Taiwan or switch to China. A commentary in the official China Daily newspaper on Jan. 5 referred to São Tomé’s decision and added darkly, “The same could happen with Taiwan’s remaining 21 ‘allies’.” B ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-09

Demonetization on five continents

... of bills; switch national currencies, such as when a country enters the eurozone; or honor a national hero. For example, in April, United States Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced that the US$5, US ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23

Eddie Ng accused of insensitive remarks at TSA-related meeting

... an always switch schools". The audience was taken aback at the outburst, Ho said, echoing a view that the suggestion was preposterous. A parent attendee at the meeting then asked Ng if he could give a ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-22

Why John Tsang should keep a low profile for now

... eijing to switch its support to Leung. With that lesson in mind, Tsang and his rivals are better off keeping a low profile.  -- Contact us at [email protected] SC/AC/RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-30

Trump victory triggers asset reallocation in favor of US stocks

... estors to switch to mainland infrastructure stocks under the Belt and Road theme. Also, mainland insurance stocks are likely to benefit from rising bond yields and new insurance policy premium growth. ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-22

An economic ultimatum for the Arab world

... ents must switch not only to new growth models, but also to more representative governance. When Arab societies are asked to accept reduced subsidies, fewer government jobs, and less from the state in ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-18

任天堂新機亮相 還得靠手遊圖強

任天堂早前發布新遊戲機Switch的宣傳片,片中玩家個個都是日常生活中少見的俊男美女,他們不費吹灰之力就從一個 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年10月28日

精靈難挽狂瀾 任天堂上季見紅

... 3月開售新一代遊戲機Switch,期望首月銷量達200萬部。不過,分析員認為任天堂舊遊戲機Wii U和3DS銷 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月27日

HK equities: Focus shifting to cheaper sectors

... ooking to switch their holdings to cheaper sectors. Seasonal factors and supply-side reform have helped coal stocks stage a rebound. Shares like China Shenhua Energy (01088.HK), Yanzhou Coal Mining (0 ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-25

Switch乏驚喜 任天堂股價挫

... 機Nintendo Switch首度亮相。新機最大賣點是結合家用主機與手提遊戲機於一身,但革命性功能欠奉,拖累 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月22日

Chinese investors dump stocks for properties

... people to switch gear by dumping stocks and buying properties. Hearing tales of others making a quick buck from property, many just don't want to be left behind.  Popular stock forums like Xueqiu, as ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-28

China's richest princeling gives dog eight iPhone 7s

...  known to switch girlfriends as fast as he changes his sportscars, is not a very popular figure in China.  He seems to serve as a negative example of what second-generation rich kids should try to avo ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-20

Chinese players face Chinese players at table tennis Olympics

... so easily switch allegiances. Thomas Weickert, president of the ITTF, has indicated his desire to see reform in the Olympic rules to make them closer to those of his federation. -- Contact us at engli ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-19

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