... o approve Qualcomm Inc.’s US$44 billion takeover of NXP Semiconductors. “It certainly appears semiconductors could move to the prime time in negotiations between the Trump administration and China,” E ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-06
... 付與手機晶片商高通(Qualcomm)的專利費訴訟,這是更受監管機構和蘋果供應商關心的官司。 可專心應對高通訴 ...全文
... e strong. Qualcomm Inc. leads in the mobile chip market. The board named chief financial officer Robert Swan as interim CEO and said it has begun a search for a permanent chief executive, including in ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-22
... 購美國晶片巨擘高通(Qualcomm)及滙款集團速匯金(MoneyGram),結果無功而回,美國特朗普政府以國 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年06月13日
... er to buy Qualcomm on national security grounds. Revenue from the company’s wired infrastructure business, which sells data center switching chips to customers such as Amazon and switching ICs to the ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-08
... ssfire is Qualcomm Inc., whose products account for the lion’s share of chips inside ZTE smartphones. Separately, Qualcomm is trying to get Chinese approval for its pending US$44 billion acquisition o ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-08
... 巴創業者基金、高通(Qualcomm)、紅杉資本子基金Cloudatlas等。截至目前為止,Kneron獲得的 ...全文
... pped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor and bear a 6-inch screen and dual AI camera. The hardware configuration could be somewhat similar to Mix 2S but the new device is believed to incorporate s ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-31
路透引述3名消息人士稱,美國晶片集團高通(Qualcomm)本周將於北京與中國反壟斷機關官員開會,爭取中國同意 ...全文
《華爾街日報》援引知情人士消息稱,中國將在未來幾天有條件地批准高通(Qualcomm)對荷蘭恩智浦半導體(NX ...全文
... ll run on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 845 platform. It will be priced at around HK$6,000 per unit. For loyal HTC fans, the phone is a must-buy, considering that the company launches only one flagship produc ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-23
... ,公司已投資由高通(Qualcomm)前工程師創立的美國初創「Solana」,該公司主要業務是為區塊鏈項目提供 ...全文
... chipmaker Qualcomm, said some of the company's more aggressive OEM partners are looking to launch their first 5G smartphones before the end of this year. Key carriers should also be ready to provide 5 ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-15