
共 43 個結果
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... 的是娃哈哈集團董事長宗慶后及其家族,身家達1350億元,按年增8%。騰訊(00700)主席馬化騰的排名升至第四 ...全文


Li Ka-shing is top philanthropist - but who is absent from list?

...  Qinghou (宗慶后) and Hanergy Holding Group Ltd. founder Li Hejun (李河君). Hanergy's listed subsidiary, Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd. (00566.HK) was suspended from trading pending a major restructurin ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-09

Can Wahaha avoid getting another big hangover in Baijiu market?

Just in March, Wahaha Group boss Zong Qinghou {宗慶后} swore in an interview that he would never again try to enter the market of Baijiu, a kind of Chinese distilled spirits, even if a great opportunity ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-07

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