
共 47 個結果
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... 多長、會引發裁員嗎?AlixPartners北美汽車業務主管Mark Wakefield表示,為了消化未售出車 ...全文


中國風險未消 企業積極應變

... 積極求變。 作者為 AlixPartners董事總經理   ...全文

今日信報理財投資市場觀點Stephen Maurer2017年02月24日


... nsultant例如AlixPartners等。 不少大型PE基金從各大諮詢機構挖角,自己成立內部諮詢團隊,服 ...全文


Corporate restructuring seen rising in Asia amid China slowdown

... sory firm AlixPartners. About 36 percent of the 150 respondents in the survey said corporate restructuring is likely to “increase significantly” while 57 percent expected such activities to “slightly” ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-17

European firms moving home as wages in China rise

... ting firm AlixPartners said. Boston Consulting Group said manufacturing costs in China are only 4 percent below those in the United States, compared with 14 percent in 2004. Piquadro's production in I ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-02

China PE window to open wider as new generation steps in: survey

... survey by AlixPartners, a global business advisory firm. A founder who has grown his company from scratch tends to resist the idea of giving up equity and be strategically led by outsiders. But as suc ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-12

Data management and eDiscovery: The corporate challenges

... ording to AlixPartners, a consultancy that has made a name for itself in business turnaround advisory services. The work is not easy as different regulatory rules and laws in different countries have ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-06

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