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... 上,加拿大主教大學(Bishop's University)早年曾把校內的白光LED燈換成螢光轉換型琥珀色LE ...全文


PolyU siege must end, allowing remaining students to leave

... Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, a number of lawmakers, including myself, sought to offer assistance at the scene. The following day I received a lot of messages from principals, ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-25


2019年,要試圖預測英國政局的走向近乎不可能,但英鎊滙率卻明顯取決於個別因素。這一年來,英鎊的走勢幾乎一面倒 ...全文


硬脫歐機會微 英鎊走強在望

2019年,要試圖預測英國政局的走向近乎不可能,但英鎊滙率卻明顯取決於個別因素。這一年來,英鎊走勢幾乎一面倒地 ...全文

今日信報理財投資滙市攻略Simon Bishop2019年11月22日

Police seal off PolyU, threaten to fire live bullets

... Auxiliary Bishop of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese, Joseph Ha Chi-shing, and Labour Party lawmaker Fernando Cheung Chiu-hung, went to the scene to talk to police officers and call for restraint, RTHK ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-18

中國施「撒手鐧」 非常規抗美

... 家利明璋(Bill Bishop)在其電子報《外國人看中國》(Sinocism)大談觀感,指出四中全會公報重申 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2019年11月07日

How Carrie Lam could have avoided frequent misjudgements

... Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, had repeatedly called on the government to establish an independent inquiry into the recent events, only to see his advice getting rebuffed. If s ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30


最近澳元和紐元兌美元均跌至10年新低。在備受經濟放緩的壓力之餘,澳紐央行所採取的行動也對兩種貨幣造成打擊。 儘 ...全文



最近澳元和紐元兌美元均跌至10年新低。在備受經濟放緩的壓力之餘,澳紐央行所採取的行動也對兩種貨幣造成打擊。儘管 ...全文

今日信報理財投資滙市攻略Simon Bishop2019年10月24日

載華客旅遊巴美猶他州失事 至少4死12重傷

... 警負責人Chris Bishop指出,基於重傷者人數多,死亡人數可能進一步增加。他表示,出事地點的路段已經關閉 ...全文



全球經濟正在放緩,這點是清楚不過。過去18個月,全球經濟活動急劇下降。2017年底,中國工廠訂單數字首先顯示製 ...全文


Students form human chains, urging govt to meet 'all 5' demands

... t School, Bishop Hall Jubilee School, Jockey Club Government Secondary School, and Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College. Elsewhere, a human chain comprising students and alumni from Dioces ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-06


全球金融市場這個月一直關注中國外滙市場,人民幣在日益不明朗的市場環境中成為世界焦點。人民幣兌美元近十年來首次破 ...全文


人仔破「7算」 幣戰抑失控?

這個月全球金融市場一直關注中國外滙,人民幣在日益不明朗的市場環境中成為世界焦點。人民幣兌美元近10年來首次「破 ...全文

今日信報理財投資滙市攻略Simon Bishop2019年08月28日


... 對沖總監Simon Bishop ...全文


儲局減息響警號 慎防美股反高潮

全球製造業活動於過去18個月明顯放緩,這趨勢自2017年中期從中國市場開始,至2018年初蔓延到歐洲,如今正在 ...全文

今日信報理財投資市場觀點Simon Bishop2019年07月05日

Why Lam should hold off on the extradition bill

... eanwhile, Bishop Joseph Ha Chi-shing, the auxiliary bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, has called upon the government to postpone the legislative push. In the meantime, seven former politica ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-14

Retired Cardinal John Tong named interim head of HK diocese

The Vatican has appointed John Tong Hon as the interim leader of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong after the death of Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung last week, a rare move that astonished the retired ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-08

Bishop Michael Yeung dies of liver failure at 73

Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung, the head of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, died on Thursday. He was 73. The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong said in a media notice that Bishop Yeung, who assumed the ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-04


... 紀三十年代,恩理覺(Bishop Valtorta Enrico)主教鑑於灣仔區教友人數日增,擬建新聖堂,召集 ...全文


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