九龍東啟德跑道區新盤搶客戰愈演愈烈,本月共有3個全新盤部署開售,合共1969伙。最新有會德豐地產牽頭發展的承豐 ...全文
1.大摩料港樓價明年升5% 受惠美國減息 摩根士丹利預期,今年香港樓價跌8%,但在聯儲局減息在即助力下,料明年 ...全文
會德豐地產、恒地(00012)、中國海外(00688)及新世界(00017)九龍東啟德承豐道19號項目第1期, ...全文
For cab driver Eddie Laran, who grew up in the most violent slum in Davao City, it’s not hard to see why Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is the right person to run the Philippines. “Duterte made Davao a peacefu ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-25
Hong Kong and Chinese importers should explore Mexico's wide array of manufactured goods such as telecommunication and high-tech products, not just its traditional food and spirits exports, according ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-10