
共 53 個結果
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... 服務平台「智方便」(iAM Smart),讓市民通過流動電話以數碼身份認證登入使用各項網上服務。林偉喬表示,平 ...全文



... 出的企業版「智方便(iAM Smart)」,讓企業能以數碼身份,授權銀行從第三方供應商取得數據用作申請貸款,以 ...全文



... 選擇以政府「智方便(iAM Smart)」流動應用程式進行身份認證,預計第三季度推出。 張穎思指出,採用「智方 ...全文



... 特區政府「智方便」(iAM Smart)流動應用程式進行身份認證,客戶同時可選擇使用iAM Smart「填表通 ...全文



... 過應用程式「智方便」iAM Smart 下載到自己的手機,後者則由工作人員每次打完針後向市民提供。 林鄭呼籲, ...全文


Data infrastructure fundamental to HK's innotech development

... n of the “iAM Smart” digital platform for authentication of the identity of enterprises is expected to be introduced later. These measures can facilitate individual’s lives and running businesses. Des ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-08

Why RPA is now critical RegTech for capital markets firms in HK

... nagement (IAM) and Indicators of Compromise (IOC). A 2017 Forrester study found that organisations with the least IAM maturity average over 12 cybersecurity breaches a year - more than twice the numbe ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-05


特區政府大力推動智慧城市發展,數碼個人身份(eID)是重要一環,其中的「智方便」(iAM Smart)平台將於 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年11月02日

證環保無礙增長 兩學者奪經濟諾獎
科技創新氣候變化與市場經濟互動 擴分析範圍

... 者諾德豪斯(William Nordhaus)及羅默(Paul Romer)基於整合氣候變化、創新及宏觀經濟發 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global諾貝爾獎2018年10月09日

Victims asked to help build police violence database

...  said. Ip Iam-chong, founder of Hong Kong In-media, dismissed concerns about data security, saying the group has successfully dealt with cyber attacks in the past. Meanwhile, several other groups, inc ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-17

Hong Kong core strengths remain unshakable

... nomist at IAM Legacy, said: “People do not really reckon how efficient can be a move to Hong Kong, thanks to its high degree of efficiency and Chinese attitude of ‘can-do’. English here is still much ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-07

Post 852 remains optimistic on HK new media prospects

...  said. Ip Iam-chong, founder of Independent Media, said that although the internet is not pure-territory, it helps provide a platform for many people to make their voice heard, according to a separate ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-04

Meet Yam Tak-cheung, the new Forbes owner

... nagement (IAM) owns about 19 percent of Fornton, whose market capitalization is around HK$1 billion. Yam is listed as a professional investor. He owns substantial stakes in a group of corporate third- ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-21

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