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美國賭業集團美高梅度假村(MGM Resorts)披露,可能要為2017年10月拉斯維加斯槍擊案慘劇,支付和解 ...全文


美高梅裁1000職位 上季利潤倒退

美高梅中國(02282)母公司美國美高梅度假村(MGM Resorts)公布,計劃在本季末之前裁減1000個職 ...全文


美高梅上季收入升18% 股價升

美高梅中國(02282)母公司美高梅國際酒店集團(MGM Resorts)公布,去年第四季錄得淨虧損2300萬 ...全文


美高梅成立委員會 評估旗下物業組合

美高梅度假酒店集團(MGM Resorts)周四宣布成立委員會,專責評估旗下物業組合。受消息刺激,美高梅股價一 ...全文



路透引述消息人士稱,美國對沖基金Starboard Value吸納一定數量的美高梅度假酒店集團(MGM Res ...全文


攻美體育博彩 WH恐搵錯拍檔

美國最高法院在5月推翻1992年《專業和業餘體育保護法》(PASPA),為各州開放體育博彩業掃清障礙。英國大型 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年09月07日

英美賭業巨擘聯手 押注網上運動博彩

一如小朋友,合資公司也需要「父母」悉心培育,才能茁壯成長。英國求愛真人騷電視節目Love Island拍攝男參 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年08月01日


永利澳門(01128)控股股東永利度假村,據報計劃出售旗下美國波士頓地區的賭場項目,予美高梅國際酒店集團(MG ...全文


Investors shrug off concerns over iPhone addiction

Apple Inc. investors are shrugging off concerns raised by two shareholders about kids getting hooked on iPhones, saying that for now a little addiction might not be a bad thing for profits, Reuters re ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-09


賭城拉斯維加斯上月發生美國歷來最嚴重槍擊屠殺案後,450名受害者及家屬周一提出首輪訴訟,針對音樂節主辦單位Li ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年11月22日

Caesars bankruptcy ends amid Asia market shift

Caesars Entertainment Corp. has an eye on expanding its Caesars, Harrah’s and Horseshoe brands in the United States and abroad after its casino operating unit emerges from nearly three years of bankru ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-06

里昂:逾3000億商機 賭股紛炒起

日本解禁賭場法案上周獲得眾議院通過後,今天將爭取闖最後一關,尋求在國會會期完結前提交參議院表決。日本有望開設賭 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年12月14日

How Macau casino business turned ugly

The recent attack on alleged former triad boss Kwok Wing-hung has been linked to plunging casino revenues in Macau and its powerful VIP gambling room operators. Kwok, also known as Shanghai Boy, was p ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-30

Las Vegas mogul Kirk Kerkorian dies at 98

Las Vegas tycoon Kirk Kerkorian, whose investments spanned casinos, hotels, movies, airlines and automobiles, has died after a brief illness in Los Angeles on Monday night. He was 98. The founder of M ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-17

Taiwan glimpses the HK nightmare in its own future

Taiwan people are watching with concern and anxiety the dialogue of the deaf between the Beijing government and the pro-democrats of Hong Kong. Neither side is willing to make concessions, and the ele ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-03

Beijing warns against casinos on Taiwan's Kinmen Island

Beijing has warned Taiwan against introducing casinos to Kinmen Island, just two kilometers off the coast of Fujian province, in an attempt to attract mainland tourists. If it does, the mainland will ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-26

Is the gaming sector reaching the tipping point for recovery?

Macau's casino industry will see new projects coming on stream in the Cotai area even as gaming revenues in city have dropped for the eleventh straight month. Galaxy Entertainment, for instance, will ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-18

Macau cold streak clouds US$20 bln expansion plans

Macau's faltering gaming revenue is raising concerns about a slew of expansion plans worth a combined a US$20 billion. In April, revenue tumbled 39 percent to 19.17 billion patacas (US$2.41 billion) f ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-05

Macau budget hotels soar on mainland holidaymakers

Mass-market room rates in Macau were up about 70 percent during the Lunar New Year holiday, driven by budget-conscious mainland Chinese traffic, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Monday. Demand ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-23

Souring Chinese VIP market hits Vegas high-end takings

Chinese high rollers stung by an anti-corruption crackdown at home are staying away from Las Vegas' baccarat tables, echoing a similiar situation in Macau, the world's biggest gaming market. Las Vegas ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-27

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