
共 51 個結果
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Michelin veggie restaurant pride of Shanghai

...  dessert, mango tapioca ice cream, looked exactly like mango but presented in an unexpected form. Fu He Hui is run by executive chef Tony Lu, who also oversees three restaurants -- Fu 1015, Fu 1039 an ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23

敍難民童土國淪「奴工」 製英名牌衫

... 分敍國難民為時裝品牌Mango及Zara生產牛仔褲的工廠內,每天工作12小時,且使用化學品時缺乏保護裝備。 土 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月25日

2-inch nail found inside Nestlé ice-cream cone

... a pack of mango-flavored ice-cream in cones and one pack of chocolate-flavored ones for a combined HK$55.9. “My nephew is only two years old, and she could have swallowed the nail,” Lo said. She said ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-24


... 分析家Andrew Mango年前出版了Ataturk:The Biography of the Founde ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus Food for Thought盧峯2016年07月23日

Beat the summer heat and enjoy some guilty pleasures

... sh is the mango pomelo sago parfait, which comes in a tall glass filled with coconut milk sago, mango pieces and mango sorbet topped with whipped cream. The other two premium parfaits are the Japanese ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-15

Vietnamese summer rolls and dipping sauces - with recipe

... ersHalf a mango5 prawns5g fresh mint leaves5g fried garlic5g fried shallotShredded zest of lemon For the black truffle mayonnaise with lemon juice:2 tbsp mayonnaise2 tbsp lemon juice1 tbsp chopped bla ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-10

健康餐單 淨化身心靈

...  排毒健怡 泰國菜館Mango Tree銅鑼灣店最近就與著名水療及瑜伽中心Bodywize合作,由餐廳大廚創作 ...全文


吃素.很潮 九十後陳浩然

... 書、進入餐廳Red Mango成為創意煮廚,以及推出自家製的素XO醬,一一證明素食並非長者的專利,而且食得可以 ...全文


現代飲食道德觀 展現天然素質

... rtar 甜中帶辣的Mango Salsa醬汁伴着吞拿魚粒、青蘋果粒、尖辣椒等,清新中帶甜辣,開胃之選。   ...全文


危地馬拉 復活節無限復活

... 玉米或馬鈴薯做的糭;Mango Tomy是圓圓大大的芒果,可以加鹽、青檸汁、辣椒汁和南瓜核粉Pepita來調味 ...全文


Legend, Mango TV create new buzz with fund-raising deals

... rtains to Mango TV, the online video unit of the commercially savvy broadcaster Hunan TV. The company is said to have raised a cool 1 billion yuan (US$161 million) in its first private funding round. ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-17

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