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Protests show maintaining stable US-China ties isn’t easy

... volatile. Nationwide protests began with a fire in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang region, on Nov. 24 that killed 10 people and injured nine. The city had been under lockdown for more than three month ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-06

加息衝擊 澳紐11月樓價挫3%
惠靈頓跌15.9% 兩國恐高位瀉兩成

... 樓市方面,按揭貸款商Nationwide公布,由於早前的迷你預算案風波令按息飆升,英國11月份房屋平均叫價按月 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年12月02日

美股前景偏負面 機構投資者增持現金

... 可能大幅損失8%。 Nationwide首席經濟師Mark Hackett認為,現金比例被視為機構投資者對股市 ...全文


美股短線走勢負面 專家持現金比例上揚

... 在兩周內損失8%。 Nationwide首席經濟師Mark Hackett認為,現金比重被視為機構投資者對股市 ...全文


美股低位反彈 專家料未宜撈底

... 專家要研究的課題。 Nationwide研究部主管Mark Hackett認為,上周五的股市回升不似是見底反彈 ...全文


澳樓價上漲帶動 家庭財富創新高

...  另外,英國房貸機構Nationwide Building Society(NBS)公布,當地3月房屋價格按年 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年04月01日

The democratic threat to democracy

... n) wins a nationwide election, but he also acknowledges the possibility that he would have to relinquish power following an electoral loss. The “democratic” narrative that underpins this form of autoc ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-04

Republican martyrs

...  focus of nationwide demonstrations against white supremacy. When George Floyd was killed by police officers in Minneapolis in May 2020, he became a martyr of “systemic racism.” And “social justice” c ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-10


英國按揭貸款機構Nationwide公布,當地10月平均樓價按月升0.7%,高於市場預期;這意味一般英國樓價已 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2021年11月04日

Create smart environment to achieve carbon neutrality

... uilding a nationwide air quality sensing IoT, using big data analysis to conduct environmental audits to provide citizens with real-time on-site air monitoring information. Today, Taiwan has set up 8, ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-09

Will China kick its coal habit?

... devised a nationwide carbon-trading system. Worryingly for China and the planet, that forward momentum now appears to have shifted into reverse. Coal consumption, which had decreased each year between ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-03


... 熾熱情況。據按揭銀行Nationwide周二公布,英國5月份樓價按年急升10.9%,為2014年首次錄得雙位數 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年06月02日


... 徹斯特大學及建築公司Nationwide Engineering近日在威爾特郡埃姆斯伯里(Amesbury), ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年05月27日

英國樓價續升 倫敦今年看漲6%
受惠「印花稅假期」 豪宅率先反彈

... 升,英國按揭貸款機構Nationwide公布的數據顯示,去年全年樓價上漲7.3%。而今年首季,樓價亦已累升1. ...全文

今日信報理財投資私人銀行暨財富管理 專題特刊2021年05月13日

Dictators’ best friends

... tly quell nationwide protests against you, you know who to ring for support. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-28

滙控英總部高管樓層 改造會客室共享空間

... 排,英國按揭貸款機構Nationwide說,如果同事表達意願,最多可讓1.3萬全職員工在家工作;萊斯銀行(Ll ...全文


Winning the COVID vaccination race: India’s case

... country’s nationwide digital ID system. On the supply side, it uses e-VIN, the national vaccine information system. Bringing them together has been the key to making the system work, and initial glitc ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-01


... 外,英國按揭貸款機構Nationwide周二表示,1月份當地樓價7個月來首次下跌,按月降0.3%,市場本來預期 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年02月03日


... t、Halifax和Nationwide等都重新推出最高可達九成的按揭產品。預計低息環境持續,有利英國樓巿發展 ...全文



英國按揭貸款機構Nationwide公布的最新數據顯示,在印花稅優惠等措施推動下,英國12月份樓價上漲0.8% ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年12月31日

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