... 僱員的工作間通訊平台Slack賬戶,成功入侵Uber內部系統。有報道指出,Uber已經禁止內部使用Slack。 ...全文
... what more slack (though some European economies are suffering the same dramatic shortages of skilled labor seen in the US and the UK). But the ECB’s main reason for hesitating is its fear that markets ...More
EJ Insight2022-07-07
... 行時,於即時通訊程式Slack上開了個頻道,很多人發出問號表情圖像表示質疑,又抱怨馬斯克沒有針對公司業務和員工 ...全文
... 馬斯克較早時通過內部Slack,與Twitter僱員首度進行視像對話稱,期望Twitter用戶突破10億個,廣 ...全文
... creating slack in goods and labor markets); and central banks’ willingness to inflict short-term pain to hit their inflation targets. Moreover, it remains to be seen what course the war in Ukraine wi ...More
EJ Insight2022-06-01
... re up any slack in the economy. But, over the long-term, this could be a challenge due to large debt relative to its GDP. How will China’s Currency Respond to Slower Growth? Because China maintains re ...More
EJ Insight2022-06-01
... him some slack. Yet slack-cutting has its limits. As s ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年05月31日
... him some slack. Yet slack-cutting has its limits. As someone with the designated role of overseeing a significant, 26-million-strong population in one of the world’s most expansive-by-area countries, ...More
EJ Insight2022-05-30
... 斯拉克(James Slack),有人喝得酩酊大醉甚至嘔吐,清潔工還提供了派對參與者把葡萄酒潑在牆上的證據,也 ...全文
... emand was slack and growing only very slowly during this period, it was difficult to figure out which business models would be profitable and where labor was really needed. This time, the re-knitting ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-29
... elatively slack as fiscal and monetary policymakers focused on fighting the phantom dragons of debt and inflation. It would not be good policy for the current recovery to be bound by this low speed li ...More
EJ Insight2021-12-07
... 成收購的工作通訊平台Slack,仍在整合中,並遇到愈來愈大的競爭。 泰勒晉升為聯席CEO Salesforce ...全文
路透報道,就商務即時通訊軟件公司Slack針對微軟發起的投訴,歐盟競爭事務監管部門正在跟進事件,並詢問其他軟件 ...全文
... 億美元現金加股份收購Slack;而超微半導體(AMD)收購另一家晶片商Xilinx,涉及350億美元股份。 F ...全文
... ng up the slack with approximately 1 million college students graduating every year. China also has plans to transition to clean energy and reduce net carbon emissions to zero by 2060. Its efforts wil ...More
EJ Insight2021-07-06
... 黑客通過即時通訊平台Slack,以詐騙手段輕易獲取EA內部網絡權限;並非如外界想像般,經歷重重難關,才破解EA ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年06月16日